Q1. What is NMAP? What is NMAP used for?
Q2. Type the command ‘
Nmap -A -T4 scanme.nmap.org
in the terminal and check results.
Use the search function to answer the following questions.
What does the switch -A do?
What does the switch -T4 do?
Q3. Open NMAP and type the command
-A -
T4 localhost’
. Depending on your local network and devices, the scan will take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Review the results and answer the following questions.
Which ports and services are opened?
For each of the open ports, record the software that is providing the services.
Q4. At the terminal command prompt, enter
‘ip address’
to determine the IP address and subnet mask for your host.
a. Record the IP address and subnet mask of your machine. b. Which networks your machine belongs to?
Q5. Locate other hosts on your LAN with command
-A -T4 network address/prefix
. For example
nmap -A -
.The last octet of the your IP address should be replaced with a zero. For example, in the IP address, the .15 is the last octet. Therefore, the network address is The /24 is called the prefix and is a shorthand for the netmask If your network has a different netmask,
search the internet for a “CIDR conversion table” to find your prefix. For example, would be /16.
This operation can take some time, especially if you have many devices attached to the network. In one test environment, the scan took about 4 minutes.
How many hosts are up?
From your Nmap results, list the IP addresses of the hosts that are on the same
LAN as your machine. List some of the services that are available on the detected hosts.
Q6. Open a web browser and navigate to
. Please read the message posted. What is the purpose of this site?
a. At the terminal prompt, enter
-A -
T4 scanme.nmap.org’
Review the results and answer the following questions. b. Which ports and services are opened?
c. Which ports and services are filtered?
d. What is the IP address of the server?
e. What is the operating system?