Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 14 Assessment Task 1 – (Case study and written report) Design document Assessment...

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assessment 01 do as mentioned to the guidelines.assessment 02 don't need the presentation only the report.

Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 Page 1 of 14 Assessment Task 1 – (Case study and written report) Design document Assessment description You are required to design and develop an ergonomics and work organisation poster as well as an energy and resource conservation poster using the provided style guide (or a suitable style guide from your workplace), cover sheet template and information. Covers Books Covers Books is a small bookstore located in a local shopping precinct owned by DJ Mathis. Operating for just over three years, Covers specialise in fiction books and have built up a steady business with many repeat customers from the local area. DJ has two new staff members starting over the next two weeks and decided that now would be a good time to display safe work practices and energy conservation information. Procedure/Instructions 1. DJ Mathis (the owner) of Covers Books has decided to display the safe work and energy conservation practices information for the store and has decided that the best approach would be to design two posters, one addressing ergonomics and work organisation, the other addressing energy and resource conservation. DJ has asked you to design and create these posters and then present them for approval. a. Ensure that the company logo and page layout and font selection comply with the style guide, however DJ has given approval to be creative in terms of the overall document layout. b. Design colour posters so that DJ Mathis has the option to print the posters in colour or greyscale as he wishes. c. Use the style guide (appendix 1) to design two A4 size posters as detailed in the following procedures. 2. Design and develop posters. a. Use software functions available to you (such as alignment, text and image importing, WordArt, SmartArt) to ensure that the design of the document is appropriate. b. Use the software functions to ensure that each poster will print on a single A4 sheet, without compromising the design or layout. c. Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with document design and production. d. Proofread the document. e. Save the poster using the following format: [Your initials] Ergonomics Poster ddmmyy, for example, ‘DP Ergonomics Poster 010610’. Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 Page 2 of 14 f. Complete a cover sheet (appendix 2) for your poster. g. Submit a soft copy of your poster (colour or black and white) and the cover sheet. h. Submit the soft copy documents to Elearning. 3. Include on the ergonomics and work organisation poster: a. information on rest periods, exercise breaks and mixing repetitive and other activities. b. details of at least three simple exercises that can be done to minimise the risk of injury. The explanations should be supplemented with at least two drawings, photos or diagrams to explain the exercises. c. information on keyboard and mouse positions, optimal lighting, noise minimisation, and posture. 4. Include on the energy and resource conservation poster: a. An explanation of what the conservation requirements are (available in Appendix 3) and where to find information about energy conservation settings for computers. 5. Meet with your assessor to discuss task and answer the following questions in relation to at least one document. a. What is the document purpose, audience and presentation requirement/s? b. What are the organisational requirements for the task documents? c. How did you ensure consistency of style and image? d. Which complex technical functions (such as alignment, text and image importing, WordArt, SmartArt, use of templates) of Word did you consider for their usefulness in fulfilling the requirements of the task? e. How did you match document requirements with software functions to provide efficient production of documents? f. How does your document structure and layout suit purpose, audience and information requirements of the task? g. How does your design enhance readability and appearance? h. What manuals, user documentation and online help did you use to overcome problems with document design and production? i. What software functions did you use to assist in producing the document? 6. Make any changes to the document/s that are relevant to the discussion you have had with your assessor in relation to the design of your poster/s. Trainer will also provide further explanations on the above instructions in the class which will clearly outline all requirements in more detail and simplistic way according to your understanding level. You may also request your trainer for additional information and may seek help with summarising of all instructions if required. Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 Page 3 of 14 Submission Specifications You must submit: A soft (black and white is acceptable for assessment purposes) copy of word processed posters that comply with the layout information provided in step 1 of the above procedures, including: ○ an ergonomics poster and work organisation poster ○ an energy and resource conservation poster ○ a cover sheet (see Appendix 2) for each poster. ● A copy of the electronic files for: ○ the ergonomics poster, saved in the format detailed in steps 2 and 3 of the above procedures ○ the energy conservation poster, saved in the format detailed in steps 2 and 4 of the above procedures. Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 Page 4 of 14 Appendix 1 – Covers style guide Fonts/Styles Style Details and Sample Heading 1 Main Headings – Calibri 16, Bold. Title Case* Paragraph spacing before and after 12pt Heading 2 Sub Heading 1 – Calibri 14, Bold. Title Case Paragraph spacing before and after 6pt Heading 3 Sub Heading 2 – Calibri 12, Bold. Sentence case Paragraph spacing before and after 6pt Normal Normal text – Calibri 12 Paragraph spacing before and after 3pt *Capital letters on all words except insignificant words such as ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘with’ and ‘in’. Logo Size: 230mm x 538mm Location: Left-hand side of header Colour Scheme Orange, Aqua, Black, White Page Layout Margins Top and Bottom: 2.3cm Left and Right: 2.5cm Header and Footer Header: 0.5cm Footer: 1.25cm Signatures Script MT Bold, 12 pt DJ Mathis Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0 Page 5 of 14 Letters Header (as per template) Logo positioned at the left side of header, first page only Company details and address, right justified: Covers Books 16 Main Street South Central, 9010 Body Text type Details and sample Numbers Numbers zero to nine should be written as words.
Answered Same DayFeb 19, 2021BSBITU306Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Assessment BSBITU306 - Design and produce business documents Last updated April 2018 v1.0...

Tanmoy answered on Feb 26 2021
148 Votes
Covers Books
16 Main Street
South Central, 9010
DJ Mathis
) (
Covers Bo
oks is a small bookstore in Australia operating for the past three years. It was founded by DJ Mathis. Covers Books have an extensive range of fiction books. During the course of its business they have acquired many new and repeat customers from the local area in which they operates and have thus built a sound brand image. The
energy and resource management policy
inside the book store
will help
to reduce energy and resource consumption and contributes to a sustainable future for the environment.
) (
Date: 22

February 2020
) (
) (
) (
) (
) (
Implementation of energy management:
· The ultimate aim of energy management is to provide efficient services to the customers at least cost and reduction of carbon emissions by reducing its carbon footprints to promote green and sustainable images of Covers Books.
· The book store has properly planned the energy management policy
· The main aim of energy management is to utilize and distribute the energy in the most efficient and effective way so that it maximize the profit at least cost thereby enhancing the competitive position of Covers Books
· The first step will be to collect the data by reading...

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