XXXXXXXXXXPages Double-Spaced 12 Point Font Vignette/Matt & Tina Matt, age 31, comes to couples therapy at the insistence of his wife Tina, who has threatened to leave him. He has been married...

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  1. Assess and treat Matt and Tina using five of the following Structural concepts or techniques of yourchoice.Your response should be written in narrative form. When introducing a concept or technique, usebold print.

3.0-4.0 Pages Double-Spaced 12 Point Font   Vignette/Matt & Tina Matt, age 31, comes to couples therapy at the insistence of his wife Tina, who has threatened to leave him. He has been married approximately 5 years and works as an insurance broker. Matt states that he doesn't really need therapy but he is here to placate his wife. He states that his wife is the one who needs therapy because she is always sick and is too sensitive to his helpful comments. Matt says he is just trying to help her improve her life because she makes a lot of mistakes. Matt reports that he works at a "superior" level and that others are jealous of his achievements. Tina is 30, and complains that Matt is "insensitive" to the many health issues she has had to deal with. She states that she is underweight because she has difficulty swallowing and has a "lump" in her throat.  Also, Tina reports having numerous medical workups due to symptoms of dizziness and impaired coordination. She reports that Matt is "selfish" and that he "really doesn't care about me." Tina denies feeling depressed, but states she has little energy but to go to work and come home. She states that all Matt is interested in is sex.  Matt reports that Tina does not admire his many important achievements. He acknowledges feeling annoyed and irritated by others who do not know what the **** they are doing. Near the end of the session Matt inquires about your credentials as a therapist and asks what school you graduated from. Before leaving, Matt asks you if you would tell his wife there is nothing wrong with him.   1. Assess and treat Matt and Tina using five of the following Structural concepts or techniques of your choice. Your response should be written in narrative form. When introducing a concept or technique, use bold print.     Structural structural  family therapy     accommodation     subsystems     boundaries     coalition     cross-generational coalition     enmeshment     disengagement     empathy     enactment     family structure     hierarchical structure     intensity     joining     reframing     structure     shaping competence   mimesis
Answered Same DayOct 19, 2021

Answer To: XXXXXXXXXXPages Double-Spaced 12 Point Font Vignette/Matt & Tina Matt, age 31, comes to couples...

Taruna answered on Oct 22 2021
149 Votes
As per the observation of the provided case study, Matt and Tina both require support on structural therapy bases. They have gone through a great deal of complicated time so far in understanding each other. Structural family therapy (SFT) is a treatment that addresses interaction patterns within families that create problems. Mental health problems are seen as signs of a dysfunctional family, so the focus of treatment is on changing the structure of the family rather than changing individual members of the family (Minchin & Jay, 2011). Thus, this is one of the known behavioral approaches that can be applied to the case of Matt and Tina because they have set ‘boundaries’ against each other in which, no trespassing is allowed. In other words, there is a sort of communication gap between the couple and they need to understand this gap first before moving further into other aspects of SFT. There are three major interventions that can take place here to address their concerns namely, elimination of boundaries in communications, accommodation of the behavior of the two as well as reduction in the empathy of Matt towards Tina (Minchin & Jay, 2011).
    At first, it is significant to note here that the boundary in communication becomes one of the major obstacles within the structure of the family. When living together for a time like five years—Matt and Tina are together for more than five years now—consumes the energy and vibe in terms of having positive communication between the couple; it happens that the excitement...

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