Assemble the following code snippet into MIPSS binary, represented as hexadecimal numbers, one line for each instruction, assuming that the label exit is at address 0x0040001C. and $t0, $s3, $s2 ori...

Assemble the following code snippet into MIPSS binary, represented as hexadecimal numbers, one line for each instruction, assuming that the<br>label exit is at address 0x0040001C.<br>and $t0, $s3, $s2<br>ori $t0, $t0,<br>lw $t1, 24($s0)<br>sub $t3, $t1, $s1<br>slti $t9, $t3, 234<br>bne $t9, $zero, exit<br>j loop<br>lui<br>2<br>loop:<br>0x1234<br>4<br>6.<br>7<br>8.<br>9.<br>exit:<br>$t0, 0x543<br>You must show the HOW part, i.e. how do you come up with the opcode and other parts of the instruction for each instruction to get full credit.<br>You will get no credit if you just show the binary, as that can be done easily with MARS,<br>

Extracted text: Assemble the following code snippet into MIPSS binary, represented as hexadecimal numbers, one line for each instruction, assuming that the label exit is at address 0x0040001C. and $t0, $s3, $s2 ori $t0, $t0, lw $t1, 24($s0) sub $t3, $t1, $s1 slti $t9, $t3, 234 bne $t9, $zero, exit j loop lui 2 loop: 0x1234 4 6. 7 8. 9. exit: $t0, 0x543 You must show the HOW part, i.e. how do you come up with the opcode and other parts of the instruction for each instruction to get full credit. You will get no credit if you just show the binary, as that can be done easily with MARS,

Jun 08, 2022

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