As you wrap up with JavaScript, let's put together everything you've learned to make the classic game "Hangman" in a webpage. If you are unfamiliar with the rules of Hangman, the game works like this:...

As you wrap up with JavaScript, let's put together everything you've learned to make the classic game "Hangman" in a webpage.

If you are unfamiliar with the rules of Hangman, the game works like this:

  • A gallows is drawn on a surface, andPlayer 1 chooses a word that player 2 must guess.

  • Empty dashes for each letter in the word are drawn next to the gallows (so a 7-letter word means 7 dashes)

  • Each round, player 2 guesses a letter that might belong in the word

    • If the word contains one or more instances of the guessed letter, the dashes corresponding to the guessed letter are replaced with the guessed letter

    • If the word contains no instances of the guessed letter, a limb of a person is drawn on the gallows. This is a "strike", and the letter is recorded as such

  • When a complete stick-figure person is drawn on the gallows, player 2 loses and player 1 wins. If the word is guessed completely before that happens, player 2 wins.

  • The number of strikes allowed is typically 6, for each body part of the hanged man (1 head, 1 body, 2 arms, 2 legs)


Instructor Note: you are stongly encouraged to work with your fellow students on this project. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and don't hesitate to give an answer if you know it!

  1. Download the template for the project, and extract it.

  2. First, create an HTML page, "hangman.html"as follows:

    1. The page should be divided into four sections:

      1. A gallows section that will display a picture of the gallows and hanged man in stages

      2. A strikes section that will display incorrect guesses

      3. A word section that will show the word to guess as it is slowly revealed

      4. A guess section that will contain a form where the player can type in their guess each round.

    2. Note that the template comes with 7 images you can use for the gallows section, corresponding to the number of Strikes accrued

  3. Make sure the elements in hangman.html have IDs that will make them easier to select with CSS and JavaScript later - this game will be driven by event management and DOM manipulation.

The logic for this game will be fairly complex compared to everything you've done so far, but all of it should be familiar.

The first thing you'll need to do in your JavaScript is create some variables that will track the game's state (and we can grab the word to guess at the same time!).

let word = prompt("Welcome to Hangman! Player 1, please enter a word for Player 2 to guess.").toUpperCase(); // note the switch toUpperCase(), we want to always work in upper case letters to avoid confusing 'a' and 'A' as unequal.
let revealedLetters = new Array(word.length); // creates an array with as many elements as word has characters. Each index of revealedLetters will correspond to a character in word, and if revealedLetters[n] is truthy, then word[n] has been correctly guessed. revlealedLetters.fill(false); const maxStrikes = 6; let strikes = 0; // the number of incorrect guesses made so far let strikeLetters = new Array(maxStrikes); // this will contain every letter that has been incorrectly guessed.

Now, it may seem like you're skipping ahead here, but it will be easiest to do this step now. Create the following functions:

drawWordProgress(); // run this now, to draw the empty word at the start of the game. // Manipulates the DOM to write all the strike letters to the appropriate section in hangman.html function drawStrikeLetters() { // your DOM manipulation code here // should create a String from strikeLetters and put that into the content of some element. } // Manipulates the DOM to write the successfully guessed letters of the word, replacing them with dashes if not yet guessed function drawWordProgress() { // your DOM manipulation code here // should iterate over revealedLetters, and if the value at each index is truthy, print the corresponding letter from word. Otherwise, it should print a -. } // Manipulates the DOM to update the image of the gallows for the current game state. function drawGallows() { // your DOM manipulation code here // should update an element in the appropriate hangman.html section to point to "images/strike-"+guesses+".png" }

Nextyou'll need to attach an event listener to theelement in hangman.html.When the form is submitted, you'll need to invoke a function named "processGuess()":

function processGuess() { let guess = // the value of the 's element, toUpperCase()! if (strikes

Now what should this game logic be?

  • First, you'll want to check to see if the
    word includes()
    the guessed letter.

    • If it does...

      • You'll need to loop overword. If the letter at a given index inwordmatches theguess, set the corresponding index ofrevealedLettersto a truthy value.

      • Then you'll need to invokedrawWordProgress()to show the updated word

    • If it doesn't...

      • Increment the number of strikes

      • Add the guessed letter tostrikeLetters.

      • invoke drawGallows() and drawStrikeLetters()

  • Now you need to check if player 2 won. To do that, iterate over revealedLetters. If none of the values are false, player 2 wins!

These instructions are obviously not comprehensive, and you will of course have to fill in the gaps on your own (or with your peers). One of the things that makes programming fun and addictiveis that you can always make improvements somewhere!

Apr 09, 2021

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