As our population ages, we have more of society living longer with chronic disease & disability. Many of us have an idea of how we would like to be medically managed as we age & at the end of our...

As our population ages, we have more of society living longer with chronic disease & disability. Many of us have an idea of how we would like to be medically managed as we age & at the end of our life, but many of us do not have these conversations with those around us.

Using this statement you are required to write an argumentative submission.
For this argumentative discussion you are required to discuss this statement and its significance to Advanced Care Planning & Directives.  You must include a discussion of ACP, legal framework in Victoria & ethical principles related to ACP.  You are required to argue either for or against the use of ACP/ACD.
•    An introduction covering:
    What is an ethical dilemma?
    Which side you are arguing, either for or against the use of ACD in Australia
    Brief relevant background information
    The scope and direction of your paper (what specific areas will you cover)

•    The body of the assignment covering:
    Ethical principles in ACP/ACD in aging population & End of Life (EOL)
    Current research & community discussion in relation to ACP/ACD
    Relevant legislation in Victoria
    Your argument

•    A conclusion including:
    A logical ending, pulling together all parts of the discussion.
** A conclusion should never:
    Just sum up

    End with a long quote
    Focus on minor points
    Introduce new material

Oct 07, 2019

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