As a student, you can get organized by using OneNote to take detailed notes in your classes. Perform the following tasks: a. Create a new OneNote notebook on your Microso_ OneDrive account (the...

As a student, you can get organized by using OneNote to take detailed notes in your

classes. Perform the following tasks:

a. Create a new OneNote notebook on your Microso_ OneDrive account (the

default location for new notebooks). Name the notebook with your _rst name

followed by “Notes,” as in
Caleb Notes.

b. Create four section tabs, each with a di_erent class name.

c. Take detailed notes in those classes for one week. Be sure to include notes, drawings, and other types of content.

d. Sync your notes with your OneDrive. Submit your assignment in the format speci_ed by your instructor.

May 19, 2022

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