ARR is 2D array of size 5x5 stores integers. Write C++ program to Perform only two of the following: 1- Print out the sum of elements above the main diagonal. 2- Copy the elements of row 3 into a one...

I need the answer at 20 minuteARR is 2D array of size 5x5 stores integers. Write C++<br>program to Perform only two of the following:<br>1- Print out the sum of elements above the main diagonal.<br>2- Copy the elements of row 3 into a one dimension array<br>(T) Of size 5.<br>3- Print out the largest element on the main diagonal.<br>write C++ program to input from keyboard a string and<br>to perform two of the following:<br>1- Print out the first and last character in the string.<br>2- Count number of occurrence of character

Extracted text: ARR is 2D array of size 5x5 stores integers. Write C++ program to Perform only two of the following: 1- Print out the sum of elements above the main diagonal. 2- Copy the elements of row 3 into a one dimension array (T) Of size 5. 3- Print out the largest element on the main diagonal. write C++ program to input from keyboard a string and to perform two of the following: 1- Print out the first and last character in the string. 2- Count number of occurrence of character "a" in the string. 3- Print out all string characters each on one line.

Jun 08, 2022

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