Are you able to get me the bonus 30 points
Microsoft Word - CSC152-05_S19__Assignment_03.docx SCSU Spring 2019 CSC 152‐05 Take Home Assignment 03 Points: 100 Due date: 04‐29‐2019 7:30pm. Instructions: This is an individual assessment. Plagiarism will result in a zero grade. Goal To write a program in Python to test the user’s ability to do arithmetic operations on fractions, and award points on correct attempts. Description: The program starts showing two messages to the user (see sample runs). It will have one or more rounds, depending on whether the user decides to continue or not at the end of each round. During each round, the program will ask the user to enter the numerator and the denominator of the correct answer for an arithmetic operation involving fractions. These fractions, as well as the specific operation itself (one of the following four: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) should be generated/chosen randomly. These fractions (operands) will always be positive, however, please note that, the result might not be always positive (Note: You do NOT need to reduce any of the fractions in this program to their lowest terms). The operand fractions should always have a value less or equal to 1 when reduced (which means the numerator of a fraction cannot be greater than the corresponding denominator). The range of values for the numerators of the fractions are determined by the difficulty level chosen by the user (1, 2, or 3) at the beginning of each round. Level 1 restricts the denominators to [1, 5], level 2 restricts the denominators to [6, 10], and level 3 restricts the denominators to [11, 15]. Any other value for the difficulty level entered by the user should be considered invalid and the user should be asked to re‐enter the difficulty level. Once a problem (two numerators, two denominators and the arithmetic operation to be performed on them) is generated, the user is shown the problem and asked to enter the numerator and the denominator of the estimated result (if the result is negative, enter a negative numerator and positive denominator). If both of the entered values are correct (matches the correct numerator and denominator), the user gains points equal to the difficulty level chosen for the problem (the user has zero points when the game starts). At the end of each round, the user is shown the total points so far. The user is then asked whether to continue playing or not. If the user answers affirmatively (using either uppercase or lowercase Yes or y), another round begins. If the user wants to leave (indicated by case insensitive an input of No or n), the program shows how many points the user has accumulated so far, and terminates showing the parting message. For exact input prompt and output details, see the example runs. Example runs: **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Welcome To Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐We are Going to Do Some Arithmetic Challenges Today !‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 3 12/13 ‐ 10/12 = ? Enter the Numerator: 2 Enter the Denominator: 3 Sorry, wrong answer. Correct answer is: 14/156 You have total 0 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? n ‐‐‐‐‐You are leaving with 0 points‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Goodbye from Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Welcome To Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐We are Going to Do Some Arithmetic Challenges Today !‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 1 2/2 / 4/4 = ? Enter the Numerator: 8 Enter the Denominator: 8 Correct Answer ! You got 1 points ! You have total 1 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? y What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 2 8/10 ‐ 8/8 = ? Enter the Numerator: ‐16 Enter the Denominator: 8 Sorry, wrong answer. Correct answer is: ‐16/80 You have total 1 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? 2 Invalid response. Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? NM Invalid response. Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? y What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 3 9/13 * 10/11 = ? Enter the Numerator: 90 Enter the Denominator: 143 Correct Answer ! You got 3 points ! You have total 4 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? y What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 4 Invalid response. What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 5 Invalid response. What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 3 11/12 * 11/13 = ? Enter the Numerator: 121 Enter the Denominator: 156 Correct Answer ! You got 3 points ! You have total 7 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? n ‐‐‐‐‐You are leaving with 7 points‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Goodbye from Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Welcome To Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ **************************************** ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐We are Going to Do Some Arithmetic Challenges Today !‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 1 1/1 + 1/2 = ? Enter the Numerator: 3 Enter the Denominator: 2 Correct Answer ! You got 1 points ! You have total 1 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? nm Invalid response. Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? n ‐‐‐‐‐You are leaving with 1 points‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Goodbye from Math DOJO‐‐‐‐‐‐ ################################### Technical Requirements 1. Use the Python random library to generate the numerators, denominators, and the arithmetic operation to be performed on the fractions (hint: you have to use the function ‘choice’ for one of these). 2. Use at least five functions (excluding main function). The functions should be as follows: a. A function named show_decorated_message. It should take the following three parameters: the message to be displayed, the length of the bars shown above and below the message, and the character used for these bars. This function should not return anything b. A function named get_user_response. It should accept two parameters: the prompt to be shown to the user, and the list of allowed (valid) responses. This function should handle all the user input in the program, and return the validated user response to the caller. c. A function named validate_response. It should take the following two parameters: the response to be validated, and the set of allowed (valid) responses. This function returns True or False depending on whether the response is valid or not. d. A function named generate_problem. It should accept a single parameter: the difficulty level. This function should generate the problem for the user and return a tuple containing the description of the problem and the correct answer to the caller. e. A function named compute_correct_answer. It should accept five parameters: the denominators and the numerators of the two fractions, and the operation to be performed. It should return a tuple containing the numerator and the denominator of the correct answer computed from the parameters. f. The main function. It should act as the glue and make calls to the necessary functions to run the program. 3. All the user input should take place within the get_user_input function. 4. You do not have to handle malformed input (non‐numerical inputs where numerical input is expected, and vice‐versa). However, you will have to handle inputs that are outside valid set of inputs (e.g. anything except for 1,2, or 3 is invalid for difficulty level input) and keep asking the user to re‐enter the input until a valid input is entered. 5. Your program should have the same format and spacing for input prompt and outputs as shown in the example runs. 6. Your program should be fully commented. 7. Use these formulae for computing the correct answers: a. a/b + c/d = ( a*d + b*c )/(b*d) b. a/b ‐ c/d = ( a*d – b*c )/(b*d) c. a/b * c/d = (a*c)/(b*d) d. a/b / c/d = (a*d)/(b*c) Program Steps Every program in this course will require you to work on three stages. The first stage is writing test cases, the second stage is writing designs, and the third stage is writing the code (implementation of the design). The first two stages are going to help you to understand and test the program – I recommended you to complete them before writing your code. The last stage represents the code for the problem and that is the only part that you need to submit. (0 Points) Step 1: Test Case Design One of the common mistakes of for students is to think about the code as the first step to answer a problem. This is wrong, it is too early for the student to think about the code as the first step to find a solution for a specific problem, instead you should think about how the program is supposed to behave and come up with a test plan for your program. Without writing any line of code, think about the input of the program and the expected output or how the program is going to behave for certain inputs (for example, invalid responses for difficulty level or whether to continue playing, incorrect numerator, incorrect denominator, etc.). As a first step for every program is to make a test plan for the program. (0 points) Step 2: Program Logic Design Have a look over the program description and come up with pseudocode that describes how the program is going to look. Your first step to do that is create a python file name it “”. Replace the part YOURLASTNAME with your actual last name. Write the program pseudocode (use plain English, not python code) as comments inside your Python file. You should put # at the start of each line. Write your name and date on the top of the file as comments. After the # symbol, give every step of your design a number so you can refer to this step later (such as 1,1.1,1.2,2, etc.). You have to come up with a design that has at least 5 functions excluding the main function. The functions will have their independent numbering starting from 1 and a name. Whenever you use a function in other part of the design, mention it. Once you done, save your work. (100 Points) Coding Use the program design that you came up with from the previous phase and write a python code which will work as mentioned in the program description. Your program should be as follows: Go back to your design file –the one you made from the previous step ‐ which has the name “”. Now go over and write an equivalent python code line(s) under every design step. Make sure that every variable that you will use will have a proper name which reflects its task (This name should not be one character) Your program should ask the user to enter the inputs using the format provided in the sample run, which you can find on the first page. When you have finished coding (implementing the design), test it with the inputs you used in Step 1 to verify that the actual outputs match the expected outputs. Once you are ready to submit the program, attach it to an email with the subject “YOURLASTNAME_CSC15205S19_PROGRAM_03” and send it to me at
[email protected] __________________________________________________________________ BONUS: 30 Points If you can show the complete history (round number, the problems, the correct answers, user’s answers, points gained at that round, and the total points at the end of that round) of the game by storing each of these in a separate list (except for the round number) and showing to the user at the end of the game, you will get 30 bonus points. (HINTS: YOU WILL HAVE TO USE LISTS FOR THIS PART). Sample Run with bonus: **************************************** ----------Welcome To Math DOJO---------- **************************************** --------We are Going to Do Some Arithmetic Challenges Today !--------- What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 1 2/4 + 4/4 = ? Enter the Numerator: 24 Enter the Denominator: 16 Correct Answer ! You got 1 points ! You have total 1 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? y What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 2 9/10 / 1/6 = ? Enter the Numerator: 54 Enter the Denominator: 10 Correct Answer ! You got 2 points ! You have total 3 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? 3 Invalid response. Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? y What Difficulty Level You Want to Play at [1/2/3] ? 3 2/12 / 3/12 = ? Enter the Numerator: 24 Enter the Denominator: 35 Sorry, wrong answer. Correct answer is: 24/36 You have total 3 points Do you want to continue playing [Yes/Y/No/N] ? n -----You are leaving with 3 points------ ################################### -------Goodbye from Math DOJO------ ################################### Round#0 Problem: 2/4 + 4/4 = ? Correct Answer: 24/16 User's Answer: 24/16 Points Gained in Round: 1 Total Points after Round: 1 Round#1 Problem: 9/10 / 1/6 = ? Correct Answer: 54/10 User's Answer: 54/10 Points Gained in Round: 2 Total Points after Round: 3 Round#2 Problem: 2/12 / 3/12 = ? Correct Answer: 24/36 User's Answer: 24/35 Points Gained in Round: 0 Total Points after Round: 3 __________________________________________________________________ Special Instructions: 1. Use main function: a. All code should be inside “def main():” block or some function ( except for import statements) b. Make sure to invoke the main function by including “main()” 2. Follow file naming convention as mentioned to avoid getting points deducted. Clues: 1. Return tuple containing tuples from a function: def test_func(): a = 5 b = 6 c = 7 return (a, (b , c) ) 2. Retrieve the values stored in the tuples: (x, (y, z) ) = test_func() 3. Center justifying a string s to a longer string of length n and padding character c: Use, c). Left and Right justification can be done using the functions ljust() and rjust(), which takes similar arguments as the function center(). Examples: "Hello".center(15,"-") produces '-----Hello-----' "Welcome".center(20,"#") produces '######Welcome#######'