Apogee Accountants is an accounting firm located in northern New South Wales. Steve Trust is a Managing Partner in the firm and has...

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Apogee Accountants is an accounting firm located in northern New South Wales. Steve Trust is a Managing Partner in the firm and has growing concerns regarding the impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems has upon Apogee's future revenue. As such Steve has asked you to to undertake some research into ERP systems and how they have affected the accounting industry. He has requested you supply a five (5) minute presentation to be played at the next staff meeting using Voice over PowerPoint (VOPP) outlining:

What is an ERP system?
(2 marks)

What are the advantages and disadvantages to Apogee if clients were to invest in an ERP system compared with a non-ERP system (note: focus your answer on Apogee's business, NOT client entities)?(2 marks)

What are the types of client businesses that would be more likely to benefit from implementing an ERP? Justify your answer.(2 marks)

In light of your answers above, what opportunities might Apogee find to extend their services for those clients that are seeking to acquire an ERP system? Explain why or why not.
(2 marks)

You need to include a copy of your transcript under each of the slides in your VOPP.

2 marks

will also be allocated for:

the quality of your PowerPoint slides, including presentation of your content, visual appeal of your slides, appropriate format and use of appropriate spelling, and grammar;

presentation skills including clarity and use of professional language;

the transcript supporting your presentation, which should be captured in the notes section under each of your slides; and

APA Referencing - Additional slide(s) attached to your presentation (not discussed in your VOPP).

There are details below regarding the presentation requirements for your VOPP presentation.

Marking criteria and standards

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All sources of information are acknowledged according to APA (7th ed.) conventions.

In order to pass this assessment task, APA referencing must be attempted for all sources used to complete your assignment.

Identify and discuss a key component of an accounting system

(8 marks)

In the context of the given scenario, your presentation provides a clear and concise definition; includes a critical analysis of at least four (4) key advantages and disadvantages and at least two (2) types of client businesses with intuitive justifications; at least two (2) insightful opportunities for service revenue and provides a well-supported recommendation.

In the context of the given scenario, your presentation provides a concise definition; includes a high-level analysis of at least four (4) key advantages and disadvantages and at least two (2) types of client businesses with justifications; at least two (2) opportunities for service revenue and provides a well-supported recommendation.

In the context of the given scenario, your presentation provides a clear definition; includes a sound discussion of at least four (4) key advantages and disadvantages and two (2) types of client businesses with justifications; two (2) opportunities for service revenue and provides a supported recommendation.

In the context of the client scenario, your presentation provides a clear definition; includes a sound discussion of at least three (3) key advantages and disadvantages; two (2) types of client business with basic justification; two (2) opportunities for service revenue with basic justifications for the recommendations.

Uses effective communication and presentation skills to present the requested content to your client.

(2 marks)

Presentation is professionally delivered to your desired audience, the presenter speaks clearly and concisely, displays confidence and vocal expressiveness, uses coherent, well-formed sentences and uses language that is appropriate to the audience.

Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content; slides are presented in a clear, concise and eloquent manner and automatically transitionsbetween slides. Transcript included in thenotes section of the slides demonstratescoherent, well-formed sentences and uses language that is appropriateto the audience. Your VOPP is no longer than five (5) minutes in length.

Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation with correct application of APA (7th ed.) style referencing.

Presentation is professionally delivered to your desired audience, the presenter speaks clearly and concisely, displays confidence and vocal expressiveness, uses coherent, well-formed sentences and uses language that is appropriate to the audience.

Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content; slides are presented in a clear, concise and eloquent manner and automatically transitionsbetween slides. Transcript included in thenotes section of the slides demonstratescoherent, well-formed sentences and uses language that is appropriateto the audience. Your VOPP is no longer than five (5) minutes in length.

Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation with correct application of APA (7th ed.) style referencing.

Presentation is professionally delivered to your desired audience, presenter speaks clearly, displays confidence and uses grammatically correct sentences appropriate to the audience.

Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content, presented in a concise manner and automatically transitions between slides. Transcript included in the notes section of the slides demonstrates grammatically correct sentences appropriate to the audience. Your VOPP is no longer than five (5) minutes in length.

Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation using APA (7th ed.) style referencing, with few or no errors.

Presentation is professionally delivered to your desired audience, presenter speaks clearly, uses language addressed to the appropriate audience.

Presentation includes no more than ten (10) slides of relevant content. Transcript included in the notes section of the slides demonstrates grammatically correct sentences appropriate to the audience. Minor errors may be present. Presentation of sufficient relevant content in the first five (5) minutes of your VOPP.

Additional slide(s) list relevant sources used in the preparation of your presentation using APA (7th ed.) style referencing, with minor errors.


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You need to prepare a Voice over PowerPoint (VOPP) presentation. Your presentation must;


automatically transition between slides. You cannot pass the presentation component of this assessment if your slides do not automatically transition;

be a maximum of 10 slides (note, you can have additional slides at the end of your presentation capturing all of the references used for your assessment);

include the transcript you will use for your 5 minute presentation, documented in the note section of your presentation;


be presented professionally to the desired audience. This includes both the presentation of the slides and your verbal presentation.

Length: 5 minutes

Referencing: APA 7th

Answered Same DayAug 01, 2021

Answer To: Apogee Accountants is an accounting firm located in northern New South Wales. Steve Trust is a...

Neha answered on Aug 02 2021
148 Votes
ERP System
ERP System
Submitted By:-
What is ERP
The ERP is known as the enterprise resource planning which is used by the software and systems to help the user in planning and managing all the school operations of supply chain, services, financial and any other process of the organization. It comes in the form of a software which can be used hey to provide automation for the activities performed by the individual in the organisation. It allows the employees to easily manage accounting and procurement, customer relationship management, supply chain operations and project management.
There are different applications of the ER
P and it offers a software as a service. When we use a complete suite of the ERP applications then an ERP system is used by the business to communicate and bring together all the operations effectively and enable of smooth flow of data among the applications by using command database.
The enterprise resource planning software is used to connect all the aspects of an enterprise. This software is used to get a better performance from the processes of the organization which includes planning, predicting, budgeting and reporting accurately for the financial health of the organization.
The ERP is known as the enterprise resource planning which is used by the software and systems to help the user in planning and managing all the school operations of supply chain, services, financial and any other process of the organization. It comes in the form of a software which can be used hey to provide automation for the activities performed by the individual in the organisation. It allows the employees to easily manage accounting and procurement, customer relationship management, supply chain operations and project management. There are different applications of the ERP and it offers a software as a service. When we use a complete suite of the ERP applications then an ERP system is used by the business to communicate and bring together all the operations effectively and enable of smooth flow of data among the applications by using command database. The enterprise resource planning software is used to connect all the aspects of an enterprise. This software is used to get a better performance from the processes of the organization which includes planning, predicting, budgeting and reporting accurately for the financial health of the organization.
ERP in Accounting
The enterprise resource planning in the accounting field is different from the general one. It can be explained as the database which comes as a package of database software which supports all the processes and operations performed in the manufacturing of the product, marketing, human resources and the financial status of the products.
It is used to integrate all the processes of the company which includes all the steps which are included from the creation of the product to its marketing.
An ERP system must be very sophisticated when using for the business as it requires information from all the departments and processes of the organization. The company needs to provide multiple resources to carry out the planning, training and implementation of the system.
SAP and Oracle are major suppliers of the ERP systems.
The enterprise resource planning in the accounting field is different from the general one. It can be explained as the database which comes as a package of database software which supports all the processes and operations performed in the manufacturing of the product, marketing, human resources and the financial status of the products. It is used to integrate all the processes of the company which includes all the steps which are included from the creation of the product to its marketing. An ERP system must be very sophisticated when using for the business as it requires information from all the departments and processes of the organization. The company needs to provide multiple resources to carry out the planning, training and implementation of the system.
SAP and Oracle are major suppliers of the ERP systems.
The earpiece system in the account Department helps to generate financial reports in stock the accounting package present in the system provides the financial reports which includes balance sheets and income statement. There are different types of reports in the system. The user can access the cash flow projections which are based on the inventory management and the order status along with the accounts receivable with its overlaid and customer order pipeline. These reports are helpful in generating more than the financial data and helps to manage the business effectively.
The ERP in account system increases the automation which helps in the productivity of the product. When will link the account Department with the ERP then it makes it easier to carry out the workflows automatically between the 2 systems. It makes multiple financial task automated. It allows us to streamline the account which are receivable and accounts which are payable along with the cash management. We can use this to track the financial transactions.
The ERP in the account Department helps to remove any duplicate values. We can have a separate system which we import the data from one to the other. The integration of ERP with the accounting heads to remove the tedious process of data entry manually and the process becomes faster and consistent.
The manual data increases the chances of error in the data. The data entered manually in the system can have transposed digits and inaccurate client data which can cause calculation mistakes. Removing the calculation consumes a lot of time.
The ERP in accounting gives more control to the users. It allows bottom-line impact of events and user can take decision easily.
The earpiece system in the account Department helps to generate financial reports in stock the accounting package present in the system provides the financial reports which includes balance sheets and income statement. There are different types of reports in the system. The user can access the cash flow projections which are based on the inventory management and the order status along with the accounts receivable with its overlaid and customer order pipeline. These reports are helpful in generating more than the financial data and helps to manage the business...

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