Annotated Bibliography Due: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. Directions: · There are many reasons you are completing an annotated bibliography, which will focus on your issue on the GLOBAL...

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antidoted bibliography assignment

Annotated Bibliography Due: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. Directions: · There are many reasons you are completing an annotated bibliography, which will focus on your issue on the GLOBAL level. You are going to show the following in your annotated bibliography of 5 sources: · The quality of the various sources you found on your issue - Your selection of these specific sources for your annotated bibliography demonstrate that you understand that your sources for this course should be scholarly, relevant and recent. · You have critically read and understand your sources - Your analysis of each source shows that you did not simply skim the material; you fully understand the author's viewpoint, can put it into your own words and can make a connection about why this specific source is important when researching your topic. · You understand how to integrate source material into your own writing - Your integration of quotes and paraphrases will show that you understand key concepts of the source and how it relates to your topic without simply "patchwriting" or "drop quoting." · You understand how to properly create a full citation and in-text citation using MLA guidelines. To complete the assignment: Create an annotated bibliography containing 5 potential sources for your research project. The sources should illustrate diversity in viewpoints and coverage of the topic and its related subjects. You can keep 2 sources from your original 10 Sources Reflection list (but only if they are scholarly, recent and relevant); however, you must choose 2 more from the CPCC Library databases. The fifth source should be scholarly, recent, and relevant as well. Write at least 2 paragraphs for each source. One paragraph (or more) should summarize/analyze the article and at least one paragraph (or more) should evaluate the source and explain why it is useful. It is preferred that you write your citations yourself. If you use a citation generator or built-in citation tools in Microsoft Word or similar word processing products to assist you, please be sure to check that your citations are correct per MLA 8th Edition Guidelines. Remember websites, electronic databases, etc. will need to include the URL or DOI. Often, generators and citation builders can lead the user to multiple errors and double the work; therefore, it is necessary to check the citations created by a generator for accuracy. Each annotation should: · Describe the source. · Identify major claims made by the source. · Assess the usefulness of the source, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. · Indicate how the source will be used to support the research essay. Do not include direct quotations from the source in the annotations and do not copy material from the source or from their abstracts if they have them—doing so will not meet the content requirements for the annotations. Format and Style Guidelines: · Times New Roman font · Font size 12 · Use third person point-of-view. Do not use first or second person point-of-view. · Use formal academic style with no contractions or abbreviations. My topic is: cure for cancer Here are the 2 sources I previously used Dagogo-Jack I, Shaw AT. Tumor Heterogeneity And Resistance To Cancer Therapies. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2018;15(2):81–94. Kumar B, Garcia M, Murakami JL, Et Al. Exosome-Mediated Microenvironment Deregulation In Leukemia. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016;1863(3):464–470 Here are the links from the cpcc library[0]=google-cpc-cancerTreatmentResponsiveLPB&utm_campaign[1]=cancer_all&utm_term=cancerTreatment&utm_content=cancerTreatmentResponsiveLPB&keyword=+cancer%20+treatment&gclid=CjwKCAiA17P9BRB2EiwAMvwNyIxcH0DhiKmlrxQ7hotobTgKRO4Gs_rduhaCGFEhLZdQ61N5fMEL8RoChV8QAvD_BwE The fifth link can be chosen by you that is relevant and recent
Answered Same DayNov 13, 2021

Answer To: Annotated Bibliography Due: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 by 11:59 p.m. Directions: · There are many...

Sanjukta answered on Nov 14 2021
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Cure for cancer
Dagogo-Jack I, Shaw AT. Tumour Heterogeneity and Resis
tance To Cancer Therapies. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2018;15(2):81–94.
Description of the source- Cancer is considered to be a dynamic disease. During this time of the disease, cancer tends to become quite heterogeneous. In a nutshell, this particular source has discussed the main forces that are behind the intratumoural heterogeneity as well as the present approaches used for fighting the results and the heterogeneity. Furthermore, authors have also made a genuine attempt for exploring the ways by which the clinical assessments in terms of tumor heterogeneity might be one of the most important tools for efficient therapies.
The main claims made by the source- There are some of the most significant claims such as the combinatorial process that pair the therapies tends to target the population that is extremely drug-sensitive and the characterization in terms of genetic variants in the plasma samples has the power of providing information on temporal and spatial heterogeneity.
The usefulness of the source (weaknesses and strengths) - The main strength of the source has highlighted the combinatorial approach as one of the prime steps for curing cancer. However, in terms of weakness, other approaches are not explored by the author
How the source can be used- This source will be used in terms of highlighting the way tumor heterogeneity can be an effective tool for treating cancer.
Kumar, Bijender, et al. "Exosome-mediated microenvironment dysregulation in leukemia." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1863.3 (2016): 464-470.
Description of the source- It can be said that the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is comprised of a complicated set in terms of stromal support cells that promote normal haematopoiesis. It has been summarised present works that break the elements of the normal hematopoietic niche...

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