Answer should be original, and similarity (plagiarism) not more than 10% this is extremely serious.
Answer should be a clear explanation and should be clear and understand (900 words enough).
Answer should be references on Harvard style (Not use Wikipedia) should be Academic Articles or books.
When use citation from any reference please keep it between "citation" (Author,Year),please citation should be not more than 5%
As reference you can use the following book:
Casey, E., (2011)
Digital evidence and computer crime: forensic science, computers and the internet. 3rd ed. New York: Elsevier Academic Press.
Assignment is:
Assume that after this module you decide to set up a computer forensics laboratory. Submit a planning report for your lab with the following components:
1.Identify duties of the lab employees (how many employees you would like to hire?).
2.Lab budget planning (what kind of facilities you want to acquire?).
3.Certificate/training plan.