Answer each question with a minimum of 70 words per question:
Which energy system is used where you live (I live in El Paso Texas) and what are the plans for alternative energy systems to be developed or put into place? What can you do on a personal level?
Do you think nuclear energy is safe? What are the health hazards of nuclear energy, fuel and materials? There was a news item recently about handing out potassium iodide pills to residents near a nuclear power plant.... I wouldn't want to be among these citizens, would you? Or are you? To see the effects of nuclear radiation, this link is well worth viewing: There is no safe disposal of nuclear waste at this time.
What are our choices?What energy source is sustainable and an alternative? Which alternative energy resource has awaste product that can be recycled? Ask your local energy provider what plans they have for renewable energy in the next 5 -10 years. What do they say? What do you think?
Here two links on 'wind mapping'. What do you think?
How close are we to 'affordable' solar power?
Who knows what will be the energy of the future? Through exploration and invention no doubt, we will see our world evolve!
In spite of the fact that most people agree air pollution from burning fossil fuels is not desirable, there remains many positive inventions and products that come from petroleum resources. There are many to choose from including medical devices, cosmetics, and everyday household items.
Name three petroleum products and their contributions to society. Are they sustainable or do they create non bio degradable waste? Do they bio accumulate or not?
NEW IMPROVED VEHICLES:What can we expect(?)
- Innovative new automobiles.
- Combined fuel, hybrid fuels or possible fuels for the future.
- Is there a way to estimate the amount of reduced emissions in our newer models vs. the cars we have on the 'road' today, in ordertoestimate how long it might take for the air to clear?
Letme know where we can find such a vehicle, how much they cost and if they are 'comfortable' or suit the needs drivers generally have at this time. Don't forget to document your information.