Answer all questions from this section. For each question, identify the statement as True,False, or Uncertain, and explain your reasoning
A.1Following the announcement that the amount of QE intervention by the central bankwill be reduced going forward (also known as Quantitative Tightening), according to theUIP condition, an immediate appreciation of home’s nominal exchange rate would beobserved.A.2The difference between the slopes of the IS and RX curves depends only on the sensitivityof net exports to the real exchange rate.A.3Consider a temporary positive inflation shock in a flexible exchange rate regime (with aninflation targeting central bank) and in a fixed exchange rate regime (where there is nopolicy intervention). Assume that both economies converge to a medium run equilibrium.Following the shock, inflation converges to its equilibrium value from above in both cases.A.4The central bank of a common currency area should not respond to a shock specific toone member.
A.5Assume that workers supply effort based on their expected real consumption wage andconsume a basket with a non-negligible component of imported goods and services. Thegovernment in an open economy implements a contractionary fiscal policy (from an initialmedium-run equilibrium) motivated, for example, by its desire to reduce national debt.This leads to lower real wages and higher unemployment in equilibrium. Hint: you maywant to compare this with the case in which the initial two assumptions do not hold.
A.6In a 2-bloc world economy with flexible exchange rates, the same inflation shock affectsboth blocs. Tighter monetary policy in each bloc produces exchange rate appreciation.
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