Angela, an RN, has been working on the unit for almost a year now and
is working as a preceptor to Josie, a new graduate nurse. Angela remembers what it was like to be a novice and is trying to help Josie adapt to
her new role. Angela recalls that it took her a long time to perform her
duties when she fi rst started, and she tells Josie this fact.
Angela also notes that her skills increased as she assumed more personal
responsibility for learning new skills and as she became comfortable with
both the policies and procedures of the unit and with her own and her
staff’s job descriptions. Angela tells Josie to expect it to take a while to
become skilled in her role. Angela suggests that Josie use Table 3-4 to
guide her in her role preparation. How can you use Table 3-4 to take personal responsibility for developing your professional nursing role?