Analyzing a Health Care Data Set Overview Public health researchers are often involved in collaborating in the design, development, and analysis of community initiatives of varying complexity. While...

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Analyzing a Health Care Data Set


Public health researchers are often involved in collaborating in the design, development, and analysis of community initiatives of varying complexity. While this course alone will not provide sufficient training for you to act as a statistical consultant, it does offer a broad and practice-based analytic foundation that can position you to better understand and more fully contribute to real-world project teams. Building on the basic statistical concepts and analytical techniques of the previous units, this assignment is an opportunity touse your cumulative quantitative-analysis skills to address a broad set of real-world research questions.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment you will address the following Scoring Guide Criteria, which align to the indicated course competencies.

  • Competency 2:Apply appropriate statistical methods using common software tools in the collection and evaluation of health care data.

    • Perform the most appropriate parametric or nonparametric test to answer each question.

  • Competency 3:Interpret the results and practical significance of statistical health care data analyses.

    • Assess the assumption of normal distribution prior to analysis.

    • Appropriately interpret the statistical output (such as estimate, p-value, confidence interval, and effect size) resulting from each statistical test.

    • Summarize the clinical implications, significance, and potential limitations of the study data and outcomes.

  • Competency 4: Assess the quality of quantitative research methods reported in peer-reviewed health care literature.

    • Describe the practical significance of the results of statistical tests.

  • Competency 5: Address assignment purpose in a well-organized text, incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences.

    • Articulate meaning relevant to the main topic, scope, and purpose of the prompt.

    • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.


Complete the following for this two-part assignment:

Part 1: Yoga and Stress Study Statistical Tests

  1. Using the data set linked in Resources, determine the measurement level of data of the dependent or outcome variable (Psychological Stress Score) you are analyzing.

    • Is the data categorical, ordinal, or interval or ratio?

  2. Before performing any statistical tests, you must determine which tests would be most appropriate for your data type.

    • First, perform a pre-evaluation of the data for outliers (all variables) and normal distribution (only dependent variables) as you have done previously.

    • Then, useHow to Choose a Statistical Test (linked in Resources) as general guidance in helping you to decide which test to use.

    • Use the readings, media, resources, and textbook as guides to perform an analysis of the selected variables.

  3. Perform and interpret an appropriate series of statistical tests (including pre-analytical testing for outliers and normal distribution of data) that answer the following research questions:

    • How would you quantitatively describe the study population?

      • Summarize the primary demographic data using descriptive statistics.

    • Is there any association between gender and race in this military study?

      • Perform an appropriate chi-square analysis.

  4. Perform preliminary assessment of the data, then compare pretest to post-test scores.

    • In the total population being studied, what was the effect of the yoga intervention on stress?

  5. Provide the SPSS ".sav"output file that shows your programming and results for this assignment.

Part 2: Interpretive Report

  1. Summarize the clinical implications related to the statistical outcomes for each of the questions above.

  2. Describe potential limitations of the study (Part 1, number 3).

Additional Requirements

  • Length:Your paper will be 3-4 typed, double-spaced pages of content, plustitle and reference pages.

  • ​Font:Times New Roman, 12 points.

  • APA Format:Your title and reference pages mustconform to APA format and style guidelines. The body of your paper does not need to conform to APA guidelines.Do make sure that it is clear, persuasive, organized, and well written, without grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. You also must cite your sources according to APA guidelines.

Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you prepare your assignment.

Please review the assignment scoring guide before completing your submission. The requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. In addition, you may want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Answered Same DaySep 14, 2021

Answer To: Analyzing a Health Care Data Set Overview Public health researchers are often involved in...

Bolla V V Satyanarayana answered on Sep 15 2021
144 Votes
Part 1:
The dependent variable Psychological stress score is Interval or rating data.
The variable Age is Ratio data.
Because psychological stress score is measured in the rating. It is not a categorical data. Because it is quantitative data.
Determining the Outliers
Pre-Psychological S
tress Score:
First, we need to find Outliers for the variable Psychological Stress Score. Box plot will provide what are outliers in the data. Using SPSS software to draw Box Plot for Pre-Psychological Stress Score variable to the following data.
Based on the Box plot there is no outliers in the variable Pre-Psychological Stress Score.
Post-Psychological Stress Score:
Similarly, Using SPSS software to draw Box Plot for Post-Psychological Stress Score variable to the following data.
There is one Outlier that is corresponding to Row 10. 10th Row value is 36 is outlier value in the Post Psychological Stress score.
Check the Normality:
Using SPSS software to conduct Shapiro-Wilk test to the following data.
    Tests of Normality
    Pre-Psychological Stress Score
    Post Psychological Stress Score
    a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
    *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
From the SPSS output
Pre-Psychological Stress Score:
From the SPSS output Shapiro-Wilk test statistic value = 0.936, P-value = 0.202. We compare P -value (0.202) with the level of significance value (0.05). If P value is less than 0.05. The data is not normally distribution. Otherwise if P-value is greater than 0.05. The data is normal distribution. Based on this information From the output (Pre Psychological Stress Score): Here we observe that P-value (0.202) is greater than level of significance value (0.05).So the data is follows Normal distribution.
Post-Psychological Stress Score:
From the SPSS output Shapiro-Wilk test statistic value = 0.855, P-value = 0.006.Here we observe that P-value (0.006) is less than level of significance value(0.05).So the data is not follows Normal distribution.
We Need to Create Cross Tabulation. It will show the relationship between variables Gender and Race using Descriptive Statistic in SPSS
    Gender * Race Crosstabulation
    African American
    Native American
    Two or more races
    Expected Count
    Expected Count
    Expected Count
We want to test the hypothesis that there is a significant association between Gender and Race.
Null hypothesis :There is no significant association between Gender...

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