Analyze the following JavaFX program and
complete the missing code based on the comments.
The Program should show window like this.
public class EmployeeInterface extends Application{
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
1- // Create a boreder Pane object
2- // create HBox object
3- // create the two command button objects
4- // add command buttons in the HBox object
5- // create grid pane object
6- // create the label and TextField for the name and add them in the first row in the grid pane
7- // create the label and TextField for the Major and add them in the first row in the grid pane
8- // Put the commands in the buttom of the BorderPane
9- // Put the GridPane which contain student information in the center of BorderPane
10- // create the Scene Object and it set it as stage scene and show the stage
Extracted text: O X Name Major Next Student Pervious Student