Analyze each statement whether it is true of false. Choose the appropriate letter from the options below.A if the first statement is true, but the second statement is false;B if the first statement...

Analyze each statement whether it is true of false. Choose the appropriate letter from the options below. A if the first statement is true, but the second statement is false; B if the first statement is false, but the second statement is true; C if both statements are true; and D if both statements are false. 1. (1) Intrusion prevention is a reactive security measure.(2) Intrusion prevention uses an intrusion prevention system to preemptively block application attacks. 2. (1) Role Based Access Control is a discretionary access control which means that access is granted to roles defined on the systems.(2) It means that end users are assigned to roles so they can access assets needed for their jobs. 3. (1) Task Based Access Control is referred as the most complex model.(2) It means that the rules can change which role a user is assigned to. 4. (1) Hybrid VPN uses both methods of trusted and secured VPN.(2) It typically over several hops to the target network. 5. (1) Intrusion detection is a proactive security measure.(2) Intrusion detection functions only if the threat is currently occurring.

Jun 09, 2022

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