An Annotated Bibliography is a list of citations to articles. Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph. This bibliography will help you begin your Research Proposal. You must have 8 academic...

An Annotated Bibliography is a list of citations to articles. Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph. This bibliography will help you begin your Research Proposal. You must have 8 academic sources for your proposal so you need 8 for your Annotated Bibliography. An academic source is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. Do NOT use websites that end in .gov or .org for your sources. In your brief paragraph, you must discuss the variables (IV and DV) that were used in the study as well as the research design. Do NOT focus on the results of the study --- this is a Research Methods course so you need to focus on the variables and research design used in the study. Finally, do NOT copy the abstract of the article as this is academic dishonesty (plagiarism) and you will receive a failing grade for the course. Follow APA guidelines for the format of the citation of the journal article.
Sep 26, 2021

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