American History essay The Killing ZoneEssay Assignment Guidelines InThe Killing Zone, Stephen G. Rabe broadens understandings of Cold War history by moving beyond "Eurocentric" interpretations to...

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American History essay

The Killing ZoneEssay Assignment Guidelines

InThe Killing Zone, Stephen G. Rabe broadens understandings of Cold War history by moving beyond "Eurocentric" interpretations to explore how U.S. anticommunist policies affected Latin America. After reading Rabe's book, write afive-page essaythat answers the following question:

Did U.S. Cold War policies in Latin America effectively combat communism
and provide stability in the Western Hemisphere?

In addressing this question, be sure to:

  1. Use substantive evidence from Rabe's book, explaining U.S. policies and actions in at leasttwoof the following Latin American nations:

    • Guatemala

    • Cuba

    • Argentina

    • Brazil

    • Chile

    • Dominican Republic

    • Nicaragua

    • El Salvador

  2. Discuss the following issues for each nation you examine:

    • U.S. policymakers' specific objectives for the nation,

    • how those objectives were implemented, and

    • the results of U.S. intervention

You must make substantive use of evidence from the Rabe and Herring books and course materials in your essay. In addition, you must make use of at leasttwoprimary sources relevant to your discussion of the nations you have selected. You may use sources assigned for the class (as outlined in the syllabus), or you may select additional sources from the National Security Archive website (


  • Provide a strongthesis. The thesis should be a concise statement in the first paragraph of your essay that clearly answers the assigned question.

  • Develop an appropriate and concisehistorical contextfor the paper. Provide a brief background on the Cold War more broadly and U.S. engagement in Latin America more specifically. Use the Herring textbook to help develop your context.

  • Usespecific evidencefrom Rabe's book, at least two primary sources, and other course materials to support your thesis. Draw evidence from throughout the Cold War era (from the Truman through Reagan administrations) in order to show change over time. The material you select should provide support for your argument; do not merely provide a summary of the book.

  • Cite your sources properlyand include aWorks Cited page. Be sure to cite both paraphrased and directly quoted information, placing the page number(s) on which you found the cited information in parentheses at the end of the sentence. For example: (Rabe 97).
    The works cited entry for Rabe should be:
    Rabe, Stephen G.The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America. 2nd ed., Oxford UP, 2012.
    A works cited entry for the textbook should be:
    Herring, George C.From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776. Oxford UP, 2008.
    A works cited entry for a document from the National Security Archive website would be:
    Ryan, Patrick J. "United States Military Group: Chile, Situation Report No. 2," 1 October 1973. U.S. Department of Defense. The National Security Archive, George Washington University. Accessed 6 November 2020.

  • If you would like additional guidance with MLA format, see the following websites:

  • Provide aconclusionthat effectively wraps up your argument and leaves the reader convinced that you have supported your thesis.


  • Your analysis should be five pages, typed, and double-spaced. Use one-inch margins and a suitable 12 pt. font such as Times New Roman.

  • Do not provide a separate title page. Include your name, the course and section number, and the date single-spaced in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Provide a meaningful title for your paperand center it above the first paragraph.

  • Always make sure that you have a back-up copy for yourself.

  • Allow yourself plenty of time to read the materials, consider the question, revise an initial draft, and proofread your final paper. Please feel free to discuss with me any questions or concerns you may have about the paper before it is due.

  • Remember to adhere to the Academic Honesty policies stated in the syllabus and the Student Code of Conduct.

How to Post Your Assignment

  • Save your essays in an accessible format (preferably doc, .docx, or .docm) with a clear name identifying the file as your own.

  • Click on "Killing Zone Submission" in the Killing Zone Essay Assignment Folder within the General Class Information and Assignments Folder on Blackboard.

  • You may type a message in the "Comments" box, but do not insert your paper there.

  • Attach your file by clicking on the "Browse My Computer" or "Browse Cloud Storage" button, selecting your saved file, and pressing "Submit."

  • Remember: You are to post your assignment on Blackboard. Please do not email your paper to me, unless an emergency has arisen and you have contacted me.

Checklist for Success

After you complete your paper, measure it against the following criteria:

  • Does your essay answer the assigned question?

  • Does your essay present a thesis in the opening paragraph? Does your paper present clear ideas, provide concrete evidence, and demonstrate effective reasoning?

  • Is your essay clear and effectively organized? Is each paragraph focused on a well-defined topic? Does each paragraph begin with a clear topic sentence? Does each paragraph relate to your thesis?

  • Do you properly cite evidence from the assigned readings? Did you include a Works Cited page?

  • Have you checked your essay for spelling mistakes, grammatical problems, and misplaced or misused punctuation?

  • Have you made sure that your paper conforms to the guidelines given above under "logistics"?

Answered Same DayNov 26, 2021

Answer To: American History essay The Killing ZoneEssay Assignment Guidelines InThe Killing Zone, Stephen G....

Sanjukta answered on Nov 28 2021
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The Killing Zone essay
It has been observed that the book namely The Killing Zone by Stephen G. Rabe revolved around a comprehensive but c
oncise analysis in terms of the U.S. policies during the Cold War in Latin America. Furthermore, this book can be termed as the excellent engaging synthesis concerning literature on the United States-Latin American relations that is admitted by the author himself and it also consists of the new revelations for the scholars of Latin American politics as well as history. It is the book that also highlighted the United States Policy in Latin America during the time of the Cold War. The author argued effectively that covert, as well as overt interventions of U.S. in Latin America from the time 1952 to 1990, can be held as one of the main tools that are responsible for igniting the barbaric dictatorship from Chile to Guatemala that is responsible for killing a lot of their citizens for ending the movements and searching for greater economic and political inclusion. Rabe excellently provides great detailing in terms of the country-by-country chronologies that are quite mentioned over the textbooks highlighting that the governments of Latin America’s engagement with the Soviet Union mainly followed the aggression of the United States rather than the vice-versa. In a nutshell, this book successfully painted the unfortunate and gruesome pictures in terms of what was dealt with by Latin America during the Cold War. The US initially provided aid to the countries of Latin America and it became much more active in the country's internal affairs as much as possible (Rabe, 55).
The Cold War played between the Soviet Union along with the United States in the European theatre the main outlines of the Cold War in terms of Latin America are quite well known also. Just like a peripheral arena in the East-West contest, in Latin America, the Cold War marked the U.S. as well as its anti-Communist but more or less the undemocratic regional allies against assumed along with real Soviet proxies in Chile, Cuba, Nicaragua, Guatemala, etc.
Throwing light on the above-mentioned discussion it can be said that the involvement of the US in Latin America during...

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