American Film and Culture (spring 2013) — Final Paper Abstract Due Date. Please submit a one-paragraph abstract detailing the topic of your paper on April 9th at the start of class. Paper Due Date: Please submit your final paper at the start of class on April 160. No late papers will be accepted.
Assignment: Write an 8-10 page analysis of an American film released during the 1960s. Two outside research sources are required as points of reference, supplementation of your thesis, or as points of argumentation.
Possible topics for consideration:
I. Does your chosen film directly or indirectly reference historical events or social, cultural, or political concerns of the era? If so, how are these handled? What is the point of view taken by the filmmaker(s) and how is it articulated?
2. Are concerns of gender addressed? Are assumptions of masculinity and'or femininity addressed? Challenged? How so? What does it say about the shifting attitudes regarding social roles, sexuality. etc. during the I 36C.,,?
3. Given that the influence of the Hays Code effectively ends in the late 1960s, how does your film take advantage of the loosening of censorship? Does it depict sexuality or violence in a more direct and explicit manner? How so?
4. Does your film reference the legacy of classical Hollywood in any way? Does it seek to deconstruct it through the use of genre revisionism. the satirizing of particular archetypes, rituals. etc?
• For this particular asvgnmcnt, do your best to invest your own interpretation I want to hear your voice. not a reaerrumn of your chosen film 's director or the points male by entice or scholars
- Proofread! Handwritten corrections are okay, oussperang and poor gramme are not Points s dl be deducted for uncorrected ea istekes.
- Be sure that sour opening paragraph clearly and concisely stales the U./MOO of your paper Your closing paragraph should restate your anent, introduced in your opening paragraph. and should pm.ide a sacsfaeiorS rondo".a In of scads, there should be a clear beginning (introduction), middle (description mimpretationy and end (conclusion) - Faro nuke are always either italtcired (preferred) Of underlined, nes er m quotations • Your paper mum be ? rn„,,,gun, of 8. r 0 pages In length. Dounk•spacc. /easing approyarnattly I.. margins on an sides of the Wet Bind thf pages homly roger':, with a staple (preferred). secure binder • Include • .0". talk page wed your uamr. the count a aria name, tole and dale of the paper This does not count as your fins page, (please') Bred*, a, strangelove. Bnrtnte d Clyde. but Graduate. 2001 A Space Odyttr.l.