All requirements are in the file. Submit as .cpp file. Sample Input:

All requirements are in the file. Submit as .cpp file. Sample Input: XXXXXXXXXX4a1f-983f-75101ed68728/ Sample Output:

Write a program that takes as input student information and constructs an ouput, the html code needed to construct an html table presenting the student information. Write a class named HtmlStudentTable which takes a vector of Student objects. You will also write this Student class. Sample inputs and outputs will be provided. Class Implementation Details provided below. Requirements When the application is executed, the menu of options above shall be displayed to the terminal window: 1. Input File 2. 2. Input Console 3. 3. Exit • If input file is selected the user is then prompted to type in the name of the input file which is assumed to be in the same directory o • The file is assumed to have the following format. One student per row, with possibly many rows (many students). Each student has a name and score which is comma separated and there is a new line separating rows. A sample input file is provided. You should create many many more for testing purposes. • Name, score • If input is supplied correctly, the student info is used to construct the appropriate html table code and is added to a string that contains all students processed thus far. • If a row is incorrectly formatted an error message is displayed the computation continues with the next row in the file. If any student score is invalid (less than 0 or greater than 100), the corresponding student info is skipped . • If the file does not open, an error message is displayed and the menu is re-prompted • When the end of the file is reached, the file is closed and the output html code is displayed to the screen and written to the output file. • If Input Console is selected, then the user is prompted to input the factors for computation. • If an input is outside the valid range, an error message is printed and user re-prompted. • Please prompt the user included in the valid range for student score • After all student info are input, the output html code is displayed to the screen and written to the output file. • Next, user is prompted to either • Return to main menu • Input another set of risk factors • If exit is selected, the program terminates normally. File Processing The first line of the file contains column headings. These are for anyone reading the file manually. We will not use these column headings and only need to read the entire line to "get it out of the way". The second line of the file is the first record of student info that we will process. We will not know how many total records are in the file. We simply must continue reading and processing lines of data until reaching the end of the input file. Each line of the file contains the following data elements Names Valid inputs: All alphabetic strings (no hyphens), may consist of up to 4 names (eg, first middle maiden last) • Jon • Jane Doe • Billy Ray Smith • Samantha Riley Jones Smith Score Valid inputs: All numerics between 0 and 100. May be floating point. Data Validation All valid data inputs for each factor are noted above. You need not worry about incorrect data TYPE inputs, but your algorithm should correctly handle any input within the valid range. An example of a data type input that you do not need to worry about would be if Age input is expected, but textual data (eg “notNumeric”) is supplied. Code Organization You will write a total of 3 .cpp files, 3 header files, and 1 Makefile. • HtmlStudentTable Class • HtmlStudentTable.cpp • Contains HtmlStudentTable implementation • HtmlStudentTable.h • Contains HtmlStudentTable Interface • Student Class • Student.cpp • Contains Student Implementation • Student.h • Contains Student Interface • Main Method • Project1.cpp • Contains Main Method • Project1.h • Has all necessary include statements. • Makefile • Lists all dependencies • Required make targets: • make p1 • compiles project and creates executable invoked as ./p1 • make clean • removes all appropriate .o files (NOT CODE FILES)

May 18, 2022

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