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number - mgt515 instructor –matt keogh course – ethical and legal dilemmas date of paper due: tues, mar 28 table of contents introduction3 ethical dilemmas in workplace3 common types of ethical dilemmas in workplace5 conducting personal business on company time5 taking credit for others work5 inappropriate & harassing behaviour6 stealing on the job6 tackle the problems head on7 lying on resume7 fudging expense reports8 gossiping at workplace8 dressing inappropriately9 sexual harassment9 discrimination9 legal issues in the workplace10 workplace safety issues10 wrongful termination11 harassment & discrimination12 violation of privacy laws13 employment status issues13 illegal labour13 leadership strategies for tackling the problems in the organization14 ethical context of leadership in workplace18 effectiveness of leadership development plan in ethics22 summary of the previous units23 conclusion25 references27 introduction this particular report focuses on addressing the ethical and legal dilemmas in the workplace. this shall also focus on formulating the leadership strategies from an organisation perspective and how these strategies can influence the decisions taken by the organisation. moreover, it is also providing a brief analysis of the leadership and the ethical aspects within the organisation. it is also concerned with the relevant aspects that are associated with leadership in the organisation in an ethical context. the context of address in the challenge of dealing with difficult people needs to ensure a set of moral and ethical issues. as a leader, it is effective to handle them with grace and kindness. it can be recommended not to prolong their exposure to them and provide them with an effective ground to cope with the entire scenario. the best way to manage ethical and legal issues is to provide every piece of news in the organization with a professional setting. professionalism can reduce the emotional sturdiness of a particular scenario. this also ensures that the information is transferred to the employees or the team members with effective clarity. the challenge of addressing the issue of letting someone go is to contemplate managing the decision effectively. the ability of leaders to make changes in the organization in a better way is the mark of true leadership. ethical dilemmas in the workplace an ethical dilemma can be asserted within the context of an ethical paradox or the problems that arise in the decision-making process in terms of two possible options. this is effective to concentrate on the matter that both of the options are absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective but it is obvious to choose a particular option in order to ensure a straightforward solution. every ethical problem comes with a straightforward solution and needs to be dealt with coherently and effectively in a business environment. these are often considered to be complicated challenges that cannot be easily solved and need an optimal solution that is critical for everyone (al-tarawneh, 2020). the modern business environment has opened windows for various perspectives which have brought about a complicated aspect. every person encounters ethical dilemmas in almost every aspect of their life. the biggest challenge of an ethical dilemma is that it does not offer any obvious solution (enwereuzor et al., 2020). ethical dilemmas in the workplace can be attributed to incidents for example when an employee is taking credit for other employees' work or when an employee is offering a client a bad product for their own profit. this can also be important to the fact when a person uses the knowledge within the organization to make their own profit. so, this has to be taken into account that ethical dilemmas are a significant part of the workplace. in order to respond to these issues most organizations have developed they are own codes of conduct and ethical standards (hanić et al., 2020). violation of the standards may lead to disciplinary sanctions and almost every aspect of the business can become a possible ground for ethical dilemmas and this can have a negative impact on the relationship between the employees and the management. the ethical dilemma has to be addressed with the possible actions that need to be taken in the workplace in order to reduce tension and the workplace environment. in some aspects, some employees might be unable to present or accomplish their aspects. this can give rise to ethical situations within the organization where the leaders need to deal with certain problems (naseer et al., 2019). it is effective to design the strategies in such a manner that there are no ethical conflicts and no employees suffered from inhibition of injustice. in order to solve ethical problems, the organization must develop strict ethical standards for their employees and the leaders must be able to contemplate their decisions we those ethical standards. in the workplace, ethical dilemmas can occur when there is a subsequent situation where the leaders need to contemplate a decision that is effective for the company and the organization. common types of ethical dilemmas in workplace the most common types of ethical dilemmas in the workplace can be abruptly summarised in the following section. conducting personal business on company time conducting personal business during working time is one of the most prominent and popular ethical dilemmas that persist in the organization setting. it has been found that some employees tend to match their office hours in their personal businesses on the company time. this can include those appointments that can be relevant or emergency and e to require them to attend those particular events (elshaer et al., 2020). for example, if an employee needs to visit for a doctor's appointment on company time or make a vacation reservation using the employer's computers and internet connections is a moral issue. in the first place, this can be considered as an abuse of the employers to conduct personnel business on the company time. but if there are medical emergencies it sustains the aspects of an ethical dilemma. in this aspect, it is obvious for the employee to check with the leader or the human resource supervisors to clarify what counts as an actionable offense in the company. taking credit for others' work another subsequent aspect of an ethical dilemma that takes place in the workplace is taking credit for others' work. some employees can work out politic measures to proceed that a particular work done by other employees to be there on. in some aspects, they pare certain parts of other employees' work and raze the names of the employees who have done it. this can be quite impulsive when the leaders are convinced through such specious activities. for instance, there are five members in a team and it is only three members have done the entire work (barclay, 2020). the entire team will receive proper credit while the two members who did not involve in a single task will get the credit even without their contribution to the team. in certain aspects employees can even cause resentment among the team members. in this aspect, it is ethical to insist all the employees perform a specific task to help and complete a project which would reduce the aspects of such incidents in the organization. inappropriate & harassing behaviour another important aspect that is more prevalent in the present day is the inappropriate and harassing behavior going to personal issues in the company. in this aspect, the environment in the workplace worsens. employees who don't often know what to do if they see one of their co-workers harassing another employee either mentally or physically. in some aspects, the other employees who had worked in the organization may get confused and they may body for their jobs if they attempt to report a superior for harassment (ali et al., 2020). with the fear of this aspect, some employees do not move or support the victim who has been harassed. the best aspect of addressing this ethical dilemma rests on the team members and the entire administration. the staff members and the human resource administrators need to be conducted and report the harassing behaviour and any other inappropriate actions with the employees. this must be avoided by certain rules so that every employee in the organization nose and understand the policy and consequences of violating it. stealing on the job the company needs to have a record and it is an unethical practice to steal the job of someone else and give it to some other individual who is not eligible or fit for a certain position in the organisation. it might be a small aspect for the employees but when every employee works in the same manner it may add up and have a potential influence on the effectiveness of the company and may lead to certain observable changes which may make the productivity of the company redundant (sharma et al., 2020). the profits and the profitable aspects of the company might fall. regardless of what is being drawn out from the company without paying for it is unethical and"" ethical="" issues="" in="" workplace="" 2="" ethical="" issues="" in="" workplace="" author="" –="" olatunji="" olanrewaju="" bismarck="" affiliation="" –american="" intercontinental="" university="" course="" number="" -="" mgt515="" instructor="" –matt="" keogh="" course="" –="" ethical="" and="" legal="" dilemmas="" date="" of="" paper="" due:="" tues,="" mar="" 28="" table="" of="" contents="" introduction="" 3="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" workplace="" 3="" common="" types="" of="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" workplace="" 5="" conducting="" personal="" business="" on="" company="" time="" 5="" taking="" credit="" for="" others="" work="" 5="" inappropriate="" &="" harassing="" behaviour="" 6="" stealing="" on="" the="" job="" 6="" tackle="" the="" problems="" head="" on="" 7="" lying="" on="" resume="" 7="" fudging="" expense="" reports="" 8="" gossiping="" at="" workplace="" 8="" dressing="" inappropriately="" 9="" sexual="" harassment="" 9="" discrimination="" 9="" legal="" issues="" in="" the="" workplace="" 10="" workplace="" safety="" issues="" 10="" wrongful="" termination="" 11="" harassment="" &="" discrimination="" 12="" violation="" of="" privacy="" laws="" 13="" employment="" status="" issues="" 13="" illegal="" labour="" 13="" leadership="" strategies="" for="" tackling="" the="" problems="" in="" the="" organization="" 14="" ethical="" context="" of="" leadership="" in="" workplace="" 18="" effectiveness="" of="" leadership="" development="" plan="" in="" ethics="" 22="" summary="" of="" the="" previous="" units="" 23="" conclusion="" 25="" references="" 27="" introduction="" this="" particular="" report="" focuses="" on="" addressing="" the="" ethical="" and="" legal="" dilemmas="" in="" the="" workplace.="" this="" shall="" also="" focus="" on="" formulating="" the="" leadership="" strategies="" from="" an="" organisation="" perspective="" and="" how="" these="" strategies="" can="" influence="" the="" decisions="" taken="" by="" the="" organisation.="" moreover,="" it="" is="" also="" providing="" a="" brief="" analysis="" of="" the="" leadership="" and="" the="" ethical="" aspects="" within="" the="" organisation.="" it="" is="" also="" concerned="" with="" the="" relevant="" aspects="" that="" are="" associated="" with="" leadership="" in="" the="" organisation="" in="" an="" ethical="" context.="" the="" context="" of="" address="" in="" the="" challenge="" of="" dealing="" with="" difficult="" people="" needs="" to="" ensure="" a="" set="" of="" moral="" and="" ethical="" issues.="" as="" a="" leader,="" it="" is="" effective="" to="" handle="" them="" with="" grace="" and="" kindness.="" it="" can="" be="" recommended="" not="" to="" prolong="" their="" exposure="" to="" them="" and="" provide="" them="" with="" an="" effective="" ground="" to="" cope="" with="" the="" entire="" scenario.="" the="" best="" way="" to="" manage="" ethical="" and="" legal="" issues="" is="" to="" provide="" every="" piece="" of="" news="" in="" the="" organization="" with="" a="" professional="" setting.="" professionalism="" can="" reduce="" the="" emotional="" sturdiness="" of="" a="" particular="" scenario.="" this="" also="" ensures="" that="" the="" information="" is="" transferred="" to="" the="" employees="" or="" the="" team="" members="" with="" effective="" clarity.="" the="" challenge="" of="" addressing="" the="" issue="" of="" letting="" someone="" go="" is="" to="" contemplate="" managing="" the="" decision="" effectively.="" the="" ability="" of="" leaders="" to="" make="" changes="" in="" the="" organization="" in="" a="" better="" way="" is="" the="" mark="" of="" true="" leadership.="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" the="" workplace="" an="" ethical="" dilemma="" can="" be="" asserted="" within="" the="" context="" of="" an="" ethical="" paradox="" or="" the="" problems="" that="" arise="" in="" the="" decision-making="" process="" in="" terms="" of="" two="" possible="" options.="" this="" is="" effective="" to="" concentrate="" on="" the="" matter="" that="" both="" of="" the="" options="" are="" absolutely="" acceptable="" from="" an="" ethical="" perspective="" but="" it="" is="" obvious="" to="" choose="" a="" particular="" option="" in="" order="" to="" ensure="" a="" straightforward="" solution.="" every="" ethical="" problem="" comes="" with="" a="" straightforward="" solution="" and="" needs="" to="" be="" dealt="" with="" coherently="" and="" effectively="" in="" a="" business="" environment.="" these="" are="" often="" considered="" to="" be="" complicated="" challenges="" that="" cannot="" be="" easily="" solved="" and="" need="" an="" optimal="" solution="" that="" is="" critical="" for="" everyone="" (al-tarawneh,="" 2020).="" the="" modern="" business="" environment="" has="" opened="" windows="" for="" various="" perspectives="" which="" have="" brought="" about="" a="" complicated="" aspect.="" every="" person="" encounters="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" almost="" every="" aspect="" of="" their="" life.="" the="" biggest="" challenge="" of="" an="" ethical="" dilemma="" is="" that="" it="" does="" not="" offer="" any="" obvious="" solution="" (enwereuzor="" et="" al.,="" 2020).="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" the="" workplace="" can="" be="" attributed="" to="" incidents="" for="" example="" when="" an="" employee="" is="" taking="" credit="" for="" other="" employees'="" work="" or="" when="" an="" employee="" is="" offering="" a="" client="" a="" bad="" product="" for="" their="" own="" profit.="" this="" can="" also="" be="" important="" to="" the="" fact="" when="" a="" person="" uses="" the="" knowledge="" within="" the="" organization="" to="" make="" their="" own="" profit.="" so,="" this="" has="" to="" be="" taken="" into="" account="" that="" ethical="" dilemmas="" are="" a="" significant="" part="" of="" the="" workplace.="" in="" order="" to="" respond="" to="" these="" issues="" most="" organizations="" have="" developed="" they="" are="" own="" codes="" of="" conduct="" and="" ethical="" standards="" (hanić="" et="" al.,="" 2020).="" violation="" of="" the="" standards="" may="" lead="" to="" disciplinary="" sanctions="" and="" almost="" every="" aspect="" of="" the="" business="" can="" become="" a="" possible="" ground="" for="" ethical="" dilemmas="" and="" this="" can="" have="" a="" negative="" impact="" on="" the="" relationship="" between="" the="" employees="" and="" the="" management.="" the="" ethical="" dilemma="" has="" to="" be="" addressed="" with="" the="" possible="" actions="" that="" need="" to="" be="" taken="" in="" the="" workplace="" in="" order="" to="" reduce="" tension="" and="" the="" workplace="" environment.="" in="" some="" aspects,="" some="" employees="" might="" be="" unable="" to="" present="" or="" accomplish="" their="" aspects.="" this="" can="" give="" rise="" to="" ethical="" situations="" within="" the="" organization="" where="" the="" leaders="" need="" to="" deal="" with="" certain="" problems="" (naseer="" et="" al.,="" 2019).="" it="" is="" effective="" to="" design="" the="" strategies="" in="" such="" a="" manner="" that="" there="" are="" no="" ethical="" conflicts="" and="" no="" employees="" suffered="" from="" inhibition="" of="" injustice.="" in="" order="" to="" solve="" ethical="" problems,="" the="" organization="" must="" develop="" strict="" ethical="" standards="" for="" their="" employees="" and="" the="" leaders="" must="" be="" able="" to="" contemplate="" their="" decisions="" we="" those="" ethical="" standards.="" in="" the="" workplace,="" ethical="" dilemmas="" can="" occur="" when="" there="" is="" a="" subsequent="" situation="" where="" the="" leaders="" need="" to="" contemplate="" a="" decision="" that="" is="" effective="" for="" the="" company="" and="" the="" organization.="" common="" types="" of="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" workplace="" the="" most="" common="" types="" of="" ethical="" dilemmas="" in="" the="" workplace="" can="" be="" abruptly="" summarised="" in="" the="" following="" section.="" conducting="" personal="" business="" on="" company="" time="" conducting="" personal="" business="" during="" working="" time="" is="" one="" of="" the="" most="" prominent="" and="" popular="" ethical="" dilemmas="" that="" persist="" in="" the="" organization="" setting.="" it="" has="" been="" found="" that="" some="" employees="" tend="" to="" match="" their="" office="" hours="" in="" their="" personal="" businesses="" on="" the="" company="" time.="" this="" can="" include="" those="" appointments="" that="" can="" be="" relevant="" or="" emergency="" and="" e="" to="" require="" them="" to="" attend="" those="" particular="" events="" (elshaer="" et="" al.,="" 2020).="" for="" example,="" if="" an="" employee="" needs="" to="" visit="" for="" a="" doctor's="" appointment="" on="" company="" time="" or="" make="" a="" vacation="" reservation="" using="" the="" employer's="" computers="" and="" internet="" connections="" is="" a="" moral="" issue.="" in="" the="" first="" place,="" this="" can="" be="" considered="" as="" an="" abuse="" of="" the="" employers="" to="" conduct="" personnel="" business="" on="" the="" company="" time.="" but="" if="" there="" are="" medical="" emergencies="" it="" sustains="" the="" aspects="" of="" an="" ethical="" dilemma.="" in="" this="" aspect,="" it="" is="" obvious="" for="" the="" employee="" to="" check="" with="" the="" leader="" or="" the="" human="" resource="" supervisors="" to="" clarify="" what="" counts="" as="" an="" actionable="" offense="" in="" the="" company.="" taking="" credit="" for="" others'="" work="" another="" subsequent="" aspect="" of="" an="" ethical="" dilemma="" that="" takes="" place="" in="" the="" workplace="" is="" taking="" credit="" for="" others'="" work.="" some="" employees="" can="" work="" out="" politic="" measures="" to="" proceed="" that="" a="" particular="" work="" done="" by="" other="" employees="" to="" be="" there="" on.="" in="" some="" aspects,="" they="" pare="" certain="" parts="" of="" other="" employees'="" work="" and="" raze="" the="" names="" of="" the="" employees="" who="" have="" done="" it.="" this="" can="" be="" quite="" impulsive="" when="" the="" leaders="" are="" convinced="" through="" such="" specious="" activities.="" for="" instance,="" there="" are="" five="" members="" in="" a="" team="" and="" it="" is="" only="" three="" members="" have="" done="" the="" entire="" work="" (barclay,="" 2020).="" the="" entire="" team="" will="" receive="" proper="" credit="" while="" the="" two="" members="" who="" did="" not="" involve="" in="" a="" single="" task="" will="" get="" the="" credit="" even="" without="" their="" contribution="" to="" the="" team.="" in="" certain="" aspects="" employees="" can="" even="" cause="" resentment="" among="" the="" team="" members.="" in="" this="" aspect,="" it="" is="" ethical="" to="" insist="" all="" the="" employees="" perform="" a="" specific="" task="" to="" help="" and="" complete="" a="" project="" which="" would="" reduce="" the="" aspects="" of="" such="" incidents="" in="" the="" organization.="" inappropriate="" &="" harassing="" behaviour="" another="" important="" aspect="" that="" is="" more="" prevalent="" in="" the="" present="" day="" is="" the="" inappropriate="" and="" harassing="" behavior="" going="" to="" personal="" issues="" in="" the="" company.="" in="" this="" aspect,="" the="" environment="" in="" the="" workplace="" worsens.="" employees="" who="" don't="" often="" know="" what="" to="" do="" if="" they="" see="" one="" of="" their="" co-workers="" harassing="" another="" employee="" either="" mentally="" or="" physically.="" in="" some="" aspects,="" the="" other="" employees="" who="" had="" worked="" in="" the="" organization="" may="" get="" confused="" and="" they="" may="" body="" for="" their="" jobs="" if="" they="" attempt="" to="" report="" a="" superior="" for="" harassment="" (ali="" et="" al.,="" 2020).="" with="" the="" fear="" of="" this="" aspect,="" some="" employees="" do="" not="" move="" or="" support="" the="" victim="" who="" has="" been="" harassed.="" the="" best="" aspect="" of="" addressing="" this="" ethical="" dilemma="" rests="" on="" the="" team="" members="" and="" the="" entire="" administration.="" the="" staff="" members="" and="" the="" human="" resource="" administrators="" need="" to="" be="" conducted="" and="" report="" the="" harassing="" behaviour="" and="" any="" other="" inappropriate="" actions="" with="" the="" employees.="" this="" must="" be="" avoided="" by="" certain="" rules="" so="" that="" every="" employee="" in="" the="" organization="" nose="" and="" understand="" the="" policy="" and="" consequences="" of="" violating="" it.="" stealing="" on="" the="" job="" the="" company="" needs="" to="" have="" a="" record="" and="" it="" is="" an="" unethical="" practice="" to="" steal="" the="" job="" of="" someone="" else="" and="" give="" it="" to="" some="" other="" individual="" who="" is="" not="" eligible="" or="" fit="" for="" a="" certain="" position="" in="" the="" organisation.="" it="" might="" be="" a="" small="" aspect="" for="" the="" employees="" but="" when="" every="" employee="" works="" in="" the="" same="" manner="" it="" may="" add="" up="" and="" have="" a="" potential="" influence="" on="" the="" effectiveness="" of="" the="" company="" and="" may="" lead="" to="" certain="" observable="" changes="" which="" may="" make="" the="" productivity="" of="" the="" company="" redundant="" (sharma="" et="" al.,="" 2020).="" the="" profits="" and="" the="" profitable="" aspects="" of="" the="" company="" might="" fall.="" regardless="" of="" what="" is="" being="" drawn="" out="" from="" the="" company="" without="" paying="" for="" it="" is="" unethical="">$+,$,-&.$,&1*6 ethical issues in workplace 2 ethical issues in workplace author – olatunji olanrewaju bismarck affiliation –american intercontinental university course number - mgt515 instructor –matt keogh course – ethical and legal dilemmas date of paper due: tues, mar 28 table of contents introduction3 ethical dilemmas in workplace3 common types of ethical dilemmas in workplace5 conducting personal business on company time5 taking credit for others work5 inappropriate & harassing behaviour6 stealing on the job6 tackle the problems head on7 lying on resume7 fudging expense reports8 gossiping at workplace8 dressing inappropriately9 sexual harassment9 discrimination9 legal issues in the workplace10 workplace safety issues10 wrongful termination11 harassment & discrimination12 violation of privacy laws13 employment status issues13 illegal labour13 leadership strategies for tackling the problems in the organization14 ethical context of leadership in workplace18 effectiveness of leadership development plan in ethics22 summary of the previous units23 conclusion25 references27 introduction this particular report focuses on addressing the ethical and legal dilemmas in the workplace. this shall also focus on formulating the leadership strategies from an organisation perspective and how these strategies can influence the decisions taken by the organisation. moreover, it is also providing a brief analysis of the leadership and the ethical aspects within the organisation. it is also concerned with the relevant aspects that are associated with leadership in the organisation in an ethical context. the context of address in the challenge of dealing with difficult people needs to ensure a set of moral and ethical issues. as a leader, it is effective to handle them with grace and kindness. it can be recommended not to prolong their exposure to them and provide them with an effective ground to cope with the entire scenario. the best way to manage ethical and legal issues is to provide every piece of news in the organization with a professional setting. professionalism can reduce the emotional sturdiness of a particular scenario. this also ensures that the information is transferred to the employees or the team members with effective clarity. the challenge of addressing the issue of letting someone go is to contemplate managing the decision effectively. the ability of leaders to make changes in the organization in a better way is the mark of true leadership. ethical dilemmas in the workplace an ethical dilemma can be asserted within the context of an ethical paradox or the problems that arise in the decision-making process in terms of two possible options. this is effective to concentrate on the matter that both of the options are absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective but it is obvious to choose a particular option in order to ensure a straightforward solution. every ethical problem comes with a straightforward solution and needs to be dealt with coherently and effectively in a business environment. these are often considered to be complicated challenges that cannot be easily solved and need an optimal solution that is critical for everyone (al-tarawneh, 2020). the modern business environment has opened windows for various perspectives which have brought about a complicated aspect. every person encounters ethical dilemmas in almost every aspect of their life. the biggest challenge of an ethical dilemma is that it does not offer any obvious solution (enwereuzor et al., 2020). ethical dilemmas in the workplace can be attributed to incidents for example when an employee is taking credit for other employees' work or when an employee is offering a client a bad product for their own profit. this can also be important to the fact when a person uses the knowledge within the organization to make their own profit. so, this has to be taken into account that ethical dilemmas are a significant part of the workplace. in order to respond to these issues most organizations have developed they are own codes of conduct and ethical standards (hanić et al., 2020). violation of the standards may lead to disciplinary sanctions and almost every aspect of the business can become a possible ground for ethical dilemmas and this can have a negative impact on the relationship between the employees and the management. the ethical dilemma has to be addressed with the possible actions that need to be taken in the workplace in order to reduce tension and the workplace environment. in some aspects, some employees might be unable to present or accomplish their aspects. this can give rise to ethical situations within the organization where the leaders need to deal with certain problems (naseer et al., 2019). it is effective to design the strategies in such a manner that there are no ethical conflicts and no employees suffered from inhibition of injustice. in order to solve ethical problems, the organization must develop strict ethical standards for their employees and the leaders must be able to contemplate their decisions we those ethical standards. in the workplace, ethical dilemmas can occur when there is a subsequent situation where the leaders need to contemplate a decision that is effective for the company and the organization. common types of ethical dilemmas in workplace the most common types of ethical dilemmas in the workplace can be abruptly summarised in the following section. conducting personal business on company time conducting personal business during working time is one of the most prominent and popular ethical dilemmas that persist in the organization setting. it has been found that some employees tend to match their office hours in their personal businesses on the company time. this can include those appointments that can be relevant or emergency and e to require them to attend those particular events (elshaer et al., 2020). for example, if an employee needs to visit for a doctor's appointment on company time or make a vacation reservation using the employer's computers and internet connections is a moral issue. in the first place, this can be considered as an abuse of the employers to conduct personnel business on the company time. but if there are medical emergencies it sustains the aspects of an ethical dilemma. in this aspect, it is obvious for the employee to check with the leader or the human resource supervisors to clarify what counts as an actionable offense in the company. taking credit for others' work another subsequent aspect of an ethical dilemma that takes place in the workplace is taking credit for others' work. some employees can work out politic measures to proceed that a particular work done by other employees to be there on. in some aspects, they pare certain parts of other employees' work and raze the names of the employees who have done it. this can be quite impulsive when the leaders are convinced through such specious activities. for instance, there are five members in a team and it is only three members have done the entire work (barclay, 2020). the entire team will receive proper credit while the two members who did not involve in a single task will get the credit even without their contribution to the team. in certain aspects employees can even cause resentment among the team members. in this aspect, it is ethical to insist all the employees perform a specific task to help and complete a project which would reduce the aspects of such incidents in the organization. inappropriate & harassing behaviour another important aspect that is more prevalent in the present day is the inappropriate and harassing behavior going to personal issues in the company. in this aspect, the environment in the workplace worsens. employees who don't often know what to do if they see one of their co-workers harassing another employee either mentally or physically. in some aspects, the other employees who had worked in the organization may get confused and they may body for their jobs if they attempt to report a superior for harassment (ali et al., 2020). with the fear of this aspect, some employees do not move or support the victim who has been harassed. the best aspect of addressing this ethical dilemma rests on the team members and the entire administration. the staff members and the human resource administrators need to be conducted and report the harassing behaviour and any other inappropriate actions with the employees. this must be avoided by certain rules so that every employee in the organization nose and understand the policy and consequences of violating it. stealing on the job the company needs to have a record and it is an unethical practice to steal the job of someone else and give it to some other individual who is not eligible or fit for a certain position in the organisation. it might be a small aspect for the employees but when every employee works in the same manner it may add up and have a potential influence on the effectiveness of the company and may lead to certain observable changes which may make the productivity of the company redundant (sharma et al., 2020). the profits and the profitable aspects of the company might fall. regardless of what is being drawn out from the company without paying for it is unethical and>1,)3""#"(3%4')9#(:)012,)3""#$%&'%(5)67'3"')2"')012,)('=(5)>#+'$=)">