Aim: The aim of this essay is for you to demonstrate an ability to apply theoretical knowledge to plan effective evidence-based, person-centred care for a client with an acute medical or surgical...

The aim of this essay is for you to demonstrate an ability to apply theoretical knowledge to plan effective evidence-based, person-centred care for a client with an acute medical or surgical condition, in line with the NMBA (2016) Registered nurses standards for practice.
Assessment description:
Consider the following client scenario:
John Grant, a 63 year old man has been diagnosed with bilateral knee osteoarthritis. His GP added Endone 5 mg prn but due to his worsening pain, mostly in his right knee, John was referred for a right total knee replacement and a plan to have the left knee done also, once he was fully recovered from the first operation. He has a history of angina, hypertension (HTN), hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and depression.
John is widower and owns a café, along with his eldest daughter. He previously worked 6 days / week however due to his painful knees he has reduced his work to light duties and office work 2 days/week and now worries about his daughter’s workload. John lives in his own home, which has six steps at the front, and is usually able to do all his own Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and household work independently. His family visits regularly, and recently his son and daughter-in-law have been helping with the housework and cooking.
John has returned to your ward after having his total knee replacement surgery and you are the nurse taking over his post-operative cares.
1. Choose ONE of the topics listed below – Post op respiratory infection OR Post op deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
2. Search the literature for at least 10 recent [less than five years old] research journal articles or systematic review papers related to the topic you have selected.
3. Write an essay of 1500 words in length in response to the following essay criteria.
4. Use current evidence to support your discussion on the topic.
5. Refer to the marking criteria to see how many marks are allocated to each section and to get further information on the assignment structure.
6. Use the APA 6 Referencing style and the School’s assignment formatting guidelines

Oct 07, 2019

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