aggression-2xdtsaac.csv "","aggression","gameType","ruminate" "1",0.83,0,0 "2",3.5,0,1 "3",4.95,0,0 "4",0,0,1 "5",3.77,0,0 "6",3.91,0,1 "7",1.97,0,0 "8",2.02,0,1 "9",1.98,0,0 "10",1.4,0,1 "11",2.14,0,0 "12",1.2,0,1 "13",1.6,0,0 "14",3.12,0,1 "15",4.73,0,0 "16",2.8,0,1 "17",2.08,0,0 "18",1.36,0,1 "19",1.49,0,0 "20",7.35,0,1 "21",3.24,0,0 "22",2.12,0,1 "23",2.21,0,0 "24",3.83,0,1 "25",1.75,0,0 "26",0.39,0,1 "27",4.03,0,0 "28",1.16,0,1 "29",2.97,0,0 "30",1.32,0,1 "31",4.98,0,0 "32",2.14,0,1 "33",1.72,0,0 "34",2.1,0,1 "35",0.07,0,0 "36",0.9,0,1 "37",0,0,0 "38",0.59,0,1 "39",2.47,0,0 "40",2.16,0,1 "41",5.61,0,0 "42",1.08,0,1 "43",1.46,0,0 "44",2.49,0,1 "45",1.21,0,0 "46",1.26,0,1 "47",1.01,0,0 "48",0.75,0,1 "49",2.06,0,0 "50",2.11,0,1 "51",0,0,0 "52",1.95,0,1 "53",1,0,0 "54",1.17,0,1 "55",2.71,0,0 "56",4.01,0,1 "57",5.97,0,0 "58",1.61,0,1 "59",5.89,0,0 "60",0.92,0,1 "61",4.18,0,0 "62",7.59,0,1 "63",2.94,0,0 "64",1.79,0,1 "65",2.99,0,0 "66",6.2,0,1 "67",0.95,0,0 "68",5.46,0,1 "69",5.39,0,0 "70",3.61,0,1 "71",5.71,1,0 "72",5.85,1,1 "73",5.04,1,0 "74",7.84,1,1 "75",9.43,1,0 "76",6.39,1,1 "77",3.2,1,0 "78",5.37,1,1 "79",6.16,1,0 "80",6.1,1,1 "81",5.38,1,0 "82",6.36,1,1 "83",3.23,1,0 "84",6.36,1,1 "85",7.23,1,0 "86",7.93,1,1 "87",6.69,1,0 "88",5.95,1,1 "89",5.36,1,0 "90",4.52,1,1 "91",5.6,1,0 "92",7.13,1,1 "93",8.77,1,0 "94",8.47,1,1 "95",4.81,1,0 "96",7.31,1,1 "97",3.66,1,0 "98",8.25,1,1 "99",7.45,1,0 "100",10.49,1,1 "101",6.45,1,0 "102",5.82,1,1 "103",5.82,1,0 "104",5.77,1,1 "105",4.21,1,0 "106",6.97,1,1 "107",4.09,1,0 "108",6.97,1,1 "109",6.34,1,0 "110",6.58,1,1 "111",5.35,1,0 "112",5.5,1,1 "113",3.7,1,0 "114",8.2,1,1 "115",5.74,1,0 "116",8.17,1,1 "117",3.46,1,0 "118",6.97,1,1 "119",6.91,1,0 "120",6.62,1,1 "121",5.36,1,0 "122",5.26,1,1 "123",9.4,1,0 "124",8.02,1,1 "125",8.98,1,0 "126",6.81,1,1 "127",4.56,1,0 "128",3.95,1,1 "129",4.56,1,0 "130",7.08,1,1 "131",7.52,1,0 "132",7.12,1,1 "133",3.59,1,0 "134",7.87,1,1 "135",2.73,1,0 "136",6.01,1,1 "137",5.13,1,0 "138",3.16,1,1 "139",7.36,1,0 "140",5.55,1,1 finalaggressionnointeraction-tgi34vpm.pdf ERMA7300 Final Examination Spring 2021 Directions: 1. You will have one week to complete this examination. 2. You may use your notes, homework examples, syntax files from class, your textbook, other statistical references, and your personal knowledge. You may NOT consult other students or faculty members. 3. If you have questions or need clarification, contact me by email at
[email protected]. Please type in the following pledge at the beginning of your narrative document and type your name after it as your signature if you comply with this pledge. On my honor as a student, I have neither given nor received aid on this examination outside the scope of the directions. Complete the assignment by either: 1. Submitting an R script and a narrative document(e.g. Word document or pdf). 2. Submitting an html file with the R code displayed in the html document, output, and narrative together. Either should be uploaded onto Canvas. The narrative should stand alone, meaning that all relevant statistics and other information should be included in tables or graphs within this document. For each document use the following naming convention, FinalLname.suffix where Lname is your capitalized last name, and suffix is the relevant suffix (.R„ .docx, .html). For example, if I were turning in homework, I should include the following files: Final_Murrah.R Final_Murrah.docx or Final_Murrah.html 1
[email protected] Study Description Experimental studies show that violent video games cause people to behave more aggressively, but how long does the effect last? In most experiments, aggression is measured immediately after game play. The present experiment is the first to test the long-term causal effects of violent video games on aggression. Prior research also demonstrates that males prefer violent games more than females. Furthermore, most studies find effects of violent games only on male participants. Therefore, the current study includes only males. One hundred and fourteen male participants were randomly assigned to play either a violent or nonviolent game for 20 minutes. Within each group, half were randomly assigned to ruminate about the game. Rumination was manipulated by encouraging participants to think about how they could improve the game when they returned the following day. The next day, participants competed with an ostensible opponent on a competitive task in which the winner could punish the loser with painful noise blasts through headphones. The use of painful noise blasts was used as a measure of aggression. You and your colleagues expect that violent video games promote aggression the day after playing. You also suspect that rumination enhances the effect of playing violent video games. Use the data provided to, first, determine whether violent video games promote higher levels of aggression than nonviolent games a day after playing. Second, test whether rumination also impacts aggression above game type. Data Description The data consist 140 males assigned to play either violent or nonviolent games (gameType). Half in each group were encouraged to ruminate on the game between playing on the first day and playing a second game with a male partner the next day (ruminate). Aggressive use of painful noise was measured using a 0-10 point scale where higher scores indicate higher levels of aggression. The data for this examination are entitled aggression.csv and are in a data set with 140 observations and 3 variables. Use the following labels to prepare your data. Variable name Variable Description Factor Level Labels aggression Aggression scale score (0 - 10) gameType Aggressive or non-aggressive game 0 = non-aggressive, 1 = aggressive ruminate participant instructed to ruminate 0 = no rumination, 1 = rumination 2 Assignment R Code Create a R script or include R code within the html file with comments throughout. Make sure the file is well organized and that all the code is functional (it runs without error). Only include code that is useful. Please do not include everything you tried (though, please play around with the data). Make sure you include R code to import the data in your script. Make sure all factor levels are labeled with the information in the data table within this document. Make sure the code used to label the factors is in the R code. Narrative The narrative should be organized as follows and should be prepared as if you were working toward submitting a manuscript for publication. This should be written as a scientific narrative and not read as a homework assignment. Please use APA style throughout. Organization • Signed Pledge - Please type in the following pledge at the beginning of your narrative document and type your name after it as your signature if you complied with this pledge. On my honor as a student, I have neither given nor received aid on this examination outside the scope of the directions. • Purpose of the Study - write a brief paragraph describing the research question(s), hypotheses, and the type of analysis you will use with a justification of this method. • Results - Include descriptive statistics and the results of the hypothesis tests. Include all appropriate follow up analyses and include them in the syntax as well as the narrative. • Discussion - Include a brief discussion of what your results mean, specifically relating them to the hypotheses, and any limitations of the study that are noteworthy. • Tables - See below • Figures - See below Notes to remember As you prepare your narrative, make sure you address the following issues. Research Hypotheses Based on the description of the study, state the hypothesis or hypotheses. Graphical and Descriptive information Include graphics and tables at the end of your narrative, but be selective. You should have at least a descriptive table that includes ALL continuous variables that are part of your analyses and that separate descriptive statistics by the key categorical variable(s). Model Selection Select the appropriate model with the important predictors. Be sure to use APA style in the narrative. Results should be presented as demonstrated in the textbook and the class examples. The results should include a statement about the best fitting model and should include mentioning of the size of the effect. Results This should include a description of the data and presentation of the results. No interpretation or speculating should go in the results section. 3 Discussion This is where you include interpretation and maybe speculation, but focus on this specific study. Do relate this study back to the overall aims of the researchers, but make sure you are not making inferences beyond what the data support. REMEMBER I am looking for evidence of statistical reasoning and an understanding of how to apply the concepts we have been learning. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM CLASS EXAMPLES. Do your own writing. Pretend you are the expert (though I am not expecting you to be one) and write the narrative accordingly. Make sure your conclusions follow from your results, which should follow from the hypotheses, which should follow from the aims of the study. 4 Directions: Study Description Data Description Assignment R Code Narrative Organization Notes to remember