(Advanced Optional Sections) State whether each of the following is true or false . If false , explain why. a) To determine the difference between two Instants, use class Duration’s static method...

(Advanced Optional Sections)

State whether each of the following is
false. If
false, explain why.

a) To determine the difference between two Instants, use class Duration’s static method

difference, which returns a Duration object containing the time difference.

b) Streams are easy to parallelize, enabling programs to benefit from enhanced performance

on multi-core systems.

c) Interface Supplier, like interface Callable, is a functional interface with a single method

that receives no arguments and returns a result.

d) CompletableFuture static method runAsync asynchronously executes a Supplier task

that returns a value.

e) CompletableFuture static method supplyAsync asynchronously executes a Runnable

task that does not return a result.

May 19, 2022

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