(a)Define physical address and logical address.
(b) Write the procedure to determine physical address for the following instructions as given
(i) MOV AX, [SI + 03] (ii) MOV AL, CS:[BX + 0400]
(iii) MOV AX, [3000] (iv) MOV AL, [BX + SI + 22]
Assume CS = 4000H, IP = 2300, SI = 02300 and DS = 5000.
(c)From memory location 00490H successively 0AH, 9CH, B2H and 78H are stored respectively.
What does AX contain after execution of each following instructions. Assume that SI contains
0490H and BP contains 0002H.
(i) MOV AX,SI (ii) MOV AX, (SI+1)
(iii) MOV AX, (SI+BP)