acusnion:- In the result correet? Justify. (02) Convert the following pseudocode to ARM assembly. Use the multiplication/ division instructions when needed. Declare the variable Q using the EQU...

acusnion:- In the result correet? Justify.<br>(02)<br>Convert the following pseudocode to ARM assembly. Use the multiplication/ division instructions when<br>needed. Declare the variable Q using the EQU directive.<br>then: RO<br>else: RO<br>end if<br>20/3<br>Documentation<br>1. A text-copy of the assembly code.<br>2. Fill the following table (on this paper). Choose different values for Q which can show all cases of<br>the if-then-else structure.<br>Is the conditional branch statement executed or not?<br>Why?<br>What is the final result in<br>RO (in Decimal & Hex)?<br>

Extracted text: acusnion:- In the result correet? Justify. (02) Convert the following pseudocode to ARM assembly. Use the multiplication/ division instructions when needed. Declare the variable Q using the EQU directive. then: RO else: RO end if 20/3 Documentation 1. A text-copy of the assembly code. 2. Fill the following table (on this paper). Choose different values for Q which can show all cases of the if-then-else structure. Is the conditional branch statement executed or not? Why? What is the final result in RO (in Decimal & Hex)?

Jun 10, 2022

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