Acquiring Accurate Cultural Knowledge
Conduct research into a distinct culture with which you currently have little or no familiarity. This can be a co-culture based on race, religion, ethnicity, sex and gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, age/generation, disability, or some combination(example: deaf culture, Catholics, homosexuals); just be sure you can access it locally.
1.Culture Observation (30 points)
Culture selected:_____________________________________________________________________
First, arrange to observe members of the culture engaged in a typical activity and note as many of their individual communication behaviors as you can. Take your notes respectfully, being careful not to offend those you observe. Make sure your response is an actual observation not a past collection of personal opinions.
(Please write 8-10 sentences about your perception of this culture based on your initial impressions.
This explanation should include what you watching and where you are watching this culture.)
Insert observation here.
Please italicize your response.
2. Research on the Culture (30 points)
Second, spend some time formally researching publications about the culture and its communication behaviors. Read academic/credible newspapers, magazines or journal articles. You only need two sources. Please use the library database to help find your sources.
List your two sources and a brief (4-6 sentences) summaryFROM EACH SOURCEof what you learned about the culture from the source here. Please italicize your response.
3. Observation #2 (40 points)
Finally, observe members of the culture once more and then write a paragraph in which you answer these questions: How were these first impressions altered, if at all, by your formal research into the culture? How did your formal research affect your second observation of the culture?Use 2-4 Culture dimensions to explain your culture: (individualistic/collectivist, low context/high context, low/high uncertainty avoidance, mono-chronic/poly chronic, low/high power distance, masculinity/femininity, or long term/short term)Show me your understanding of the observed culture in relation to the concepts. This response should be 10-12 sentences. Please include specific examples from your observations to show your understanding of the selected cultural dimension. *NOTE and culture is one or the other cultural dimension not both
Please enter text here.
Please italicize your response.