Answer To: ACCT1077 WIL Assessment Task 3-2.pdf 1 Financial Accounting Theory WIL Assessment Task 3 ACCT1077...
Tanmoy answered on Oct 08 2021
Executive Summary
This paper is related to the private companies’ disclosure of audited financial statements in various countries across the world. There are several companies globally apart from public companies which do not trade in the secondary markets and are mostly owned by owners or proprietors. They are the ones who invests in the company and do not borrows loans and equity from the public. Therefore, there arises no necessity of publishing the audited financial statements. But, this results in various frauds and misappropriation of funds by these companies. Also, if there are minority shareholders in these private companies, then their rights are misused. This results in huge agency costs for the company. But, it depends on the country norms, decisions and regulations from the federal regulatory bodies based on the companies publish the financial statements or discourages to do so. But, research shows that if the companies publish their financial statement in audited format, it helps to reduce the cost, helps the economy to grow and also the companies in the same and the other industries to analyse the growth strategy of the publishing company and make their own strategies. The major drawback can be that the competitors will be able to know the strategies of the publishing company and duplicate the same.
Most of the private firms in United States and Canada do not publish any financial statements or conducts any auditing of the books of accounts. It is because there are no rules and regulations or any compulsions from the federal government of these countries to publish the financial statements to the public. These are mostly the private companies in these countries which have no obligations to publish the reports. But, in other countries and mostly in European countries, it is a rule and compulsion enforced by the European federal government to get its books of accounts audited and publish the financial statements in the website for the benefits of the various stakeholders. There are various advantages and disadvantages of not publishing or publishing the financial statement. We will focus basically on these issues which can create a negative as well as a positive impression in the minds of the stakeholders about the private company. The public companies are the ones who already conduct external auditing along with internal auditing as well as publish the financial statements for the benefits of the stakeholders. Therefore, to lure the potential investors and retain the existing shareholders as well as the customers, the companies it is essential for publishing the audited financial statement.On the other hand, these financial disclosures can help the competitors of the report publishing companyidentify the future plans and strategies and can cause serious consequences for its growth.
Various private firms
There are various interpretations regarding the private firms globally about private firms. A private firm is one which impacts the society and boosts the economy and create a positive impact for the community. On the other hand, the public firms or organizations are considered as large institute which create more impact for the society. Thus, it is the impact on the society that the organization creates which can be measured through the number of employees the company have, the number of shareholders and the investors they have and the amount of capitalization it has in the industry in which it operates.
But, in this paper we will consider the private firm to be a firm which in order to operate and expand borrows debt and capital but is not traded in the secondary market or the stock exchanges. As per Katz, 2009 a private firm is a firm which operates with private equity but the debt is acquired from the public are known as the private firms. But, actually these are public firms because the company has borrowed debt from the public. Here in this paper with respect to the market, it is not only stock exchanges but the over the counter exchange markets. Also there is a difference between private and dark firm. The private firms do not trade shares on the stock exchanges but the dark firms on the other hand do not require publishing their financial statement to the regulators (Leuz, Triantis and Wang, 2008).Therefore, in this paper the private firms are the firms with limited liabilities and not the ones which have unlimited liability like that of a sole proprietorship. The sole proprietorships are generally small organizations runned by an owner and facefewer regulations from the regulatory authorities of a country. Therefore, since there are less stakeholders and investors involved in a sole proprietorship company, the necessity to publish the financial statement is much less than the public and the private companies (Healy and Palepu 2001). Comment by User: Please check carefully before marking it in pink. The reference for this citation is already mentioned.
Financial Reporting of Firms
The financial reporting of the private firms is dependent on the country’s federal laws related to the publishing of the financial statements. If there is a compulsion like in European countries like United Kingdom then the private companies have to publish an audited financial statement. This situation of regulatory rules and policies can be classified into two segments which are limited regulations and legal form based regulations. In a limited regulation the private company operates in such a country where they faces limited or less restriction related to disclosure of the financial statements. These types of countries are United States and Canada. Hence, based on this type of regulations, regardless of the size of the company the private firms are not required to check and audit their books of accounts nor they have to disclose any information related to the financial status of the company to the stakeholders. Therefore, these types of private firms have two features which are that the company must have atleast $10 million of assets and...