According to social-conflict theory, a capitalist society’s inequal-
ity in wealth and power shapes its laws and how they are applied.
The criminal justice and social welfare systems thus act as politi-
cal agents, controlling categories of people who are a threat to the
capitalist system. Race-conflict theory highlights the fact that, for
some members of our society, race and ethnicity can make some
categories of people appear deviant. Likewise, gender has much to
do with who is, and who is not, defined as deviant.
Like other approaches to deviance, social-conflict theories
have their critics. First, a Marxist approach implies that laws and
other cultural norms are created directly by the rich and powerful.
At the very least, this is an oversimplification, as laws also protect
workers, consumers, and the environment, sometimes opposing the
interests of corporations and the rich.
Second, social-conflict analysis argues that criminality springs
up only to the extent that a society treats its members unequally.
However, as Durkheim noted, deviance exists in all societies, what-
ever their economic system and their degree of inequality.
Finally, keep in mind that, while class, race, and gender still af-
fect the process of defining deviance, our society now treats all cate-
gories of people in a more equal manner than was true a century ago.
Check Your Learning In a sentence, explain how social-
conflict theory understands deviance. State one limitation of this