work out the shear force and bending moment
draw the bending moment diagram

Extracted text: A wooden beam is loaded by a distributed load =5 N/mm as shown in Figure Q4(a). The cross-section of the beam is shown in Figure Q4(b). Assume that LAB=1700 mm, Lc 3300 mm, W=180 mm, B= 20 mm, and H= 210 mm, ha=20 mm. Units: use N, mm, MPa as consistent units for all calculations. Decimal points: any decimal points are fine and all the numerical questions have a 10% error tolerance. Steps: Fill the gaps in the "steps" to get some marks from the working out process. Adaptive marking is still used. (a) (b) w hol Bo LAB Cross-section Figure Q4: (a) A wooden beam is loaded by a distributed load, (b) cross-section of the beam. C) Calculate the equations of shear force V(z) and bending moment M(z). Type the mathematical expressions or constants. Section AB: Shear force equation V(z) = | Bending moment equation M(z) =: N'mm Section BC: Shear force equation V (z) = N Bending moment equation M(z) =: N*mm