A vending machine is an automated machine that provides items such as snacks and beverages
to the consumers after the cash is inserted to the machine. For example, a vending machine to
dispense candies where the vending machine accepts 10 cent and 20 cent coins only. The price
of the candy is 30 cents. Therefore, the machine will automatically dispense the candy
whenever it has received 30 cents. If it receives more that 30 cents, it will dispense the candy
with the balance money. In this assignment, you are required to propose and design a vending
machine controller for the above specifications. Assume that there are two outputs for the
vending machine controller, which are F and G. F = 1 and G = 0 indicate 30 cents have been
received and there is no balance money. F = 1 and G = 1 indicate the machine received more
that 30 cents and need to return the balance money.
Figure 1 show the block diagram of FSM
the code down show Verilog program for the system
you need to do the tech bench code based on this Verilog program and show the result in quertus.
module veding2(clk, rst, w, F, G, state);
input clk, rst;
input [1:0]w;
output reg F, G;
output reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0]next_state;
parameter [2:0] zero=0, ten=1, twenty=2, thirty=3, fourty=4;
// state register
always@(posedge clk, posedge rst)
if(rst) state <=>=>
else state <=>=>
//next_state and output logics
always@(w, state)
zero: begin F=0; G=0;
2'b00: next_state = zero;
2'b01: next_state = ten;
2'b10: next_state = twenty;
default : next_state = zero;
twenty: begin F=0; G=0;
2'b00: next_state = ten;
2'b01: next_state = twenty;
2'b10: next_state = thirty;
default : next_state = ten;
ten: begin F=0; G=0;
2'b00: next_state = twenty;
2'b01: next_state = thirty;
2'b10: next_state = fourty;
default : next_state = twenty;
thirty: begin F=1; G=0; next_state = zero; end
fourty: begin F=1; G=1; next_state = zero; end
default: begin F=0; G=0; next_state = zero; end
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