(a) the human rights of asylum seekers.
To what extent does (a) international law and (b) Australian law guarantee human rights in this area? Compared to other similar jurisdictions around the world (such as the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom) do you think that Australian law provides adequate protection for human rights in the area you have chosen?
The research assignment should contain the following.
1. An introduction, clearly setting out the broad direction of the assignment, its objectives, any parameters of the assignment, and a summary of the main argument.
2. A body, with appropriate headings, containing presentation of argument, review of literature and compilation of evidence relevant to the question.
3. A conclusion, clearly summarising the arguments or findings.
4. Appropriate references of all sources you have referred to in footnotes formatted in accordance with the
Australian Guide to Legal Citation
ed, 2018).
5. A bibliography, setting out all the books, articles and other sources you have used and referred to in the course of writing the assignment.
6. It should also comply with the School of Law and Justice requirements for all law assessments.
Students should note the following:
a) Many people are not familiar with the requirements of research assignments. They are like any other good piece of writing. They must have a beginning, a middle and an end. They must be organised so that one point leads to another in a logical sequence. Headings and sub-headings are important as they are of assistance to the reader, who should be able to easily ascertain the logic of your arguments. You should look at the articles you read in the course of your research as a model for style and organisation.
b) Statements of fact must be supported by referencing in the proper form (see 4 above). Arguments and ideas you are adopting or disagree with must be properly referenced. This is one of the most important aspects of your assignment, and severe penalties will be imposed if you do not provide appropriate references. Be aware of the University
Academic Integrity Policy. You should avoid over-reliance on three or four sources. You are expected to have read widely on the chosen topic. Be careful of relying solely on Internet resources if these are merely descriptive. You will need to read material that provides you with some analysis of the issues. This will most likely come from journal articles and book chapters. Good assignments generally show evidence that the student has read and analysed key journal articles / book chapters relevant to the topic.
c) You are expected to employ your critical and analytical skills in this assignment. Avoid mere description or regurgitation and do not quote excessively. Both your observations and your use of other people’s writing should reflect this critical/analytical dimension. In sum, your intellectual input should be clearly discernible in the paper.
d) You are not marked for your political or social views or opinions, but rather for your ability to present coherent, rational and logical arguments, properly supported by authority.
e) You are also marked on your ability to express yourself clearly, logically and succinctly. Poor expression, grammar and spelling will detract from your overall mark.
f) Generally speaking, the more drafts of the assignment you prepare, the better the final product will be. You should aim to complete at least two drafts prior to handing in the assignment. This will also assist in ensuring you comply with the word limit.