A temperature control system is designed to maintain the temperature at a constant
value of 500C inside an induction furnace.
(a) The following test set of 20 initial temperature measurements (once the furnace
temperature has reached steady-state) is obtained: 507 502, 520, 500, 492, 485,
499, 495, 497, 500, 516, 501, 489, 503, 490, 481, 504, 511, 499, 512.
Show that this is free of rogue data points and can therefore be used as a reference set against which to test future temperature measurements.
(b) The temperature is then measured at 10-minutes intervals and the following 20
measurements are obtained:
481 505 495, 519, 498, 515, 508, 477, 500, 526, 501, 488, 502, 492, 464, 503,
499, 510, 515, 497
Test whether there are any rogue measurements in this data set.