a study wishes to explore whether the preferred brand of tea, recorded as one of 5 categories, is associated with the age of the buyer, recorded as a categorical variable with 3 categories: Under30, 30to50, 50plus. these variables are recorded for a sample from the Irish adult population, the results are summarised below in the form of observed frequencies.
using image 1
A) set up the null and alternative hypothesis
B) find the critical value
using image 2 C) find the expected value (hidden value in black) for the over 50 and the other brand category to 1 decimal place
D) the test statistic was calculated to be 23.201. find the p-value
E) what is your conclusion

Extracted text: Expected Count BRAND Barrys Bewleys Lyons Twinings Other AGE Under30 29.3 14.7 22.8 7.9 7.3 30to50 36.8 18.4 28.7 9.9 9.2 50plus 37.9 18.9 29.5 10.2 See image below Find the expected value for the over 50 and the other brand category to 1 dp

Extracted text: A study wishes to explore whether the preferred brand of tea, recorded as one of 5 categories, is associated with the age of the buyer, recorded as a categorical variable with 3 categories: "Under30", "30to50", “50plus". These variables were recorded for a sample from the Irish adult population, the results are summarised below in the form of observed frequencies BRAND Barrys Bewleys Lyons Twinings Other Total AGE Under30 17 20 23 9. 13 82 30to50 35 17 32 13 6. 103 50plus 52 15 26 6. 106 Total 104 52 81 28 26 291