A В species IbrainMass InBrainMass gliaNeuronRatio Homo sapiens 1373.3 7.22 1.65 Pan troglodytes 336.2 5.82 1.2 Gorilla gorilla 509.2 6.23 1.21 Pongo pygmaeus 342.7 5.84 0.98 Hylobates muelleri 101.8...

What is SSresidual?

Please put the answer in bold.

A<br>В<br>species<br>IbrainMass<br>InBrainMass<br>gliaNeuronRatio<br>Homo sapiens<br>1373.3<br>7.22<br>1.65<br>Pan troglodytes<br>336.2<br>5.82<br>1.2<br>Gorilla gorilla<br>509.2<br>6.23<br>1.21<br>Pongo pygmaeus<br>342.7<br>5.84<br>0.98<br>Hylobates muelleri<br>101.8<br>4.62<br>1.22<br>Papio anubis<br>155.8<br>5.05<br>0.97<br>Mandrillus sphinx<br>159.2<br>5.07<br>1.02<br>Macaca maura<br>92.6<br>4.53<br>0.84<br>Erythrocebus patas<br>Cercopithecus kandt<br>102.3<br>4.63<br>1.09<br>71.6<br>4.27<br>1.15<br>Colobus angolensis<br>Trachypithecus fran<br>Alouatta caraya<br>74.4<br>4.31<br>1.2<br>91.2<br>4.51<br>1.14<br>55.8<br>4.02<br>1.12<br>Saimiri boliviensis<br>24.1<br>3.18<br>0.51<br>Aotus trivirgatus<br>13.2<br>2.58<br>0.63<br>Saguinus oedipus<br>10<br>2.3<br>0.46<br>Leontopithecus rosa<br>12.2<br>2.5<br>0.6<br>Pithecia pithecia<br>30<br>3.4<br>0.64<br>

Extracted text: A В species IbrainMass InBrainMass gliaNeuronRatio Homo sapiens 1373.3 7.22 1.65 Pan troglodytes 336.2 5.82 1.2 Gorilla gorilla 509.2 6.23 1.21 Pongo pygmaeus 342.7 5.84 0.98 Hylobates muelleri 101.8 4.62 1.22 Papio anubis 155.8 5.05 0.97 Mandrillus sphinx 159.2 5.07 1.02 Macaca maura 92.6 4.53 0.84 Erythrocebus patas Cercopithecus kandt 102.3 4.63 1.09 71.6 4.27 1.15 Colobus angolensis Trachypithecus fran Alouatta caraya 74.4 4.31 1.2 91.2 4.51 1.14 55.8 4.02 1.12 Saimiri boliviensis 24.1 3.18 0.51 Aotus trivirgatus 13.2 2.58 0.63 Saguinus oedipus 10 2.3 0.46 Leontopithecus rosa 12.2 2.5 0.6 Pithecia pithecia 30 3.4 0.64
Instructions Download the file

Extracted text: Instructions Download the file "brain_metabolism.xlsx'. It contains data on brain mass in different species versus glia-neuron ratio, the latter being a measurement of brain metabolism as the glia provides the metabolic needs of the neurons. The relationship between THE LOGARITHM of the brain mass (in the third column) and Glia-neuron ratio (fourth column) appears linear and it is these two variables that we wish to analyze via linear regression. We would like to know if the human brain fits the trend from the other species. Towards this end we will perform the regression on all species EXCEPT humans (Homo sapiens). Again, throw out the human data from your analysis. You will however need the human numbers for some of the questions. The analysis to be performed is as follows: 1. Calculate the regression line (slope and intercept) 2. Perform an ANOVA test of the null hypothesis for zero slope. From this analysis, obtain SStotal, SSregression and SSresidual as well as the corresponding MS statistics. 3. Perform a t-test of the null hypothesis of zero slope. 4. Compute a 95% confidence interval for the regression slope 5. Calculate the predicted glia-neuron ratio for human brain given the human brain mass. Calculate the two confidence intervals for the predicted glia-neuron ratio corresponding to the mass of the human brain: (i) the confidence interval for the predicted mean and (ii) the confidence interval for a predicted individual. Once again: You need the human data only for (5) above. Throw it out for the analyses in (1)-(4)
Jun 08, 2022

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