a. Search the Java Web site for information on how to use a JTextArea. Write an application for the WebBuy Company that allows a user to compose the three parts of a complete e-mail message: the...

a. Search the Java Web site for information on how to use a JTextArea. Write an

application for the WebBuy Company that allows a user to compose the three

parts of a complete e-mail message: the “To:”, “Subject:”, and “Message:” text. The

“To:” and “Subject:” text areas should provide a single line for data entry. The

“Message:” area should allow multiple lines of input and be able to scroll if

necessary to accommodate a long message. The user clicks a button to send the

e-mail message. When the message is complete and the Send button is clicked, the

application should display “Mail has been sent!” on a new line in the message area.

Save the file as JEMail.java.

b. Modify the JEMail application to include a Clear button that the user can click at

any time to clear the “To:”, “Subject:”, and “Message:” fields. Save the file as


May 19, 2022

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