a. Search the Java Web site for information on how to use a JTextArea, its constructors, and its setText() and append() methods. Write an application that allows the user to select options for a...

a. Search the Java Web site for information on how to use a JTextArea, its

constructors, and its setText() and append() methods. Write an application

that allows the user to select options for a dormitory room. Use JCheckBoxes

for options such as private room, Internet connection, cable TV connection,

microwave, refrigerator, and so on. When the application starts, use a text area to

display a message listing the options that are not yet selected. As the user selects

and deselects options, add appropriate messages to the common text area so it

accumulates a running list that reflects the user’s choices. Save the file as JDorm.java.

b. Modify the JDorm application so that instead of a running list of the user’s choices,

the application displays only the current choices. Save the file as JDorm2.java.

May 19, 2022

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