A schema is a preconceived idea that we use to interpret the new information(sometimes schema is referred to as mental models, scripts, or frames). Schema theory is part of the cognitive approach. It...

1 answer below »

A schema is a preconceived idea that we use to interpret the new information(sometimes schema is referred to as mental models, scripts, or frames). Schema theory is part of the cognitive approach. It attempts to explain how we organize information and use it to understand other, more recent information. Schema theory assumes schemas influence cognition and behavior.Schemas affect perception by influencing what we pay attention to. Information similar to what we already know will be more easily assimilated and generally accepted. Inconsistent information is harder to adapt to, and schemas can be problematic when learning new, confronting information.

Please answer the following in APA style and give a personal real-life example from this past week that illustrates each (* the examples should not be related to school they should be related to your general life experience) :

How do schemas influence how quickly people learn?

How do schemas impact what people pay attention to?

How do schemas simplify the world?

How do schemas change how we interpret incoming information?

Why are schemas difficult to change ?

Below are some references but you may use any reference you prefer.




Answered Same DayDec 03, 2022

Answer To: A schema is a preconceived idea that we use to interpret the new information(sometimes schema is...

Dr. Saloni answered on Dec 04 2022
52 Votes
Answer 1
Schema impacts the assimilation of novel knowledge. Individuals are more likely to recognise things that fit into their schema, whe
reas incongruity with the schema may be re-interpreted as exclusions or obfuscated to make it fit. Schema-based learning is a major theoretical paradigm in educational and cognitive psychology, along with artificial intelligence. Learners can use schemas to rationalise novel learning environments and interpret them in the context of their generalised knowledge (Faustino & Vasco, 2020).
For example, my sister’s school has scheduled an informative tour of a water treatment plant. Prior knowledge of the water treatment plant is given to her so that they can readily comprehend the concept while exploring the plant.
Answer 2
The brain creates subjective recognition as a schematic representation of the attention process. The concept of awareness applies to every kind of data that the brain may pay attention to. The attention schema is a collection of data that represents the act of concentrating sources on something. For example, individuals have a greater tendency to pay attention to events that correspond to their existing schemas (Chan & Tan, 2019).

Answer 3
Schemas can often help people understand greater detail about the world surrounding them. By correlating new experiences with current schemas, novel information can be categorised and organised. As an example, when we are going to begin a new topic, educators review our prior knowledge...

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