A reversed curve with diverging tangents is to pass through three lines to form a centerline of a proposed road. The first line AB has a bearing of N 88° E with a distance of 120m, BC has a bearing of...

A reversed curve with diverging tangents is to pass through three lines to form a centerline of a proposed road. The first line<br>AB has a bearing of N 88° E with a distance of 120m, BC has a bearing of N 62° E with a distance of 340m, BC has a bearing of<br>S 40° E with a distance of 300m, If the first tangent has a distance of only one-fourth that of the common tangent measured<br>from the point of intersection of the first curve, compute the:<br>a. Radius of the 1st curve.<br>b. Radius of the 2nd curve.<br>c. Stationing of the P.T., if P.C. is at station 12 + 340m<br>

Extracted text: A reversed curve with diverging tangents is to pass through three lines to form a centerline of a proposed road. The first line AB has a bearing of N 88° E with a distance of 120m, BC has a bearing of N 62° E with a distance of 340m, BC has a bearing of S 40° E with a distance of 300m, If the first tangent has a distance of only one-fourth that of the common tangent measured from the point of intersection of the first curve, compute the: a. Radius of the 1st curve. b. Radius of the 2nd curve. c. Stationing of the P.T., if P.C. is at station 12 + 340m

Jun 10, 2022

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