Discuss the purpose of this report and why it has been written.
Purpose is clearly and comprehensively presented. Identifies appropriate audience with superior understanding of the Role of the Registered Nurse in Child and Adolescent Health
Purpose is clearly and comprehensively presented. Identifies appropriate audience with application to the role of the Registered Nurse in Child and Adolescent Health
Purpose is clearly and comprehensively presented. Identifies appropriate audience with definition of the role of the Registered Nurse in Child and Adolescent Health
Purpose is not clearly and comprehensively presented. Identifies appropriate audience with limited understanding of the role of the Registered Nurse in Child and Adolescent Health evident
Purpose is not clearly and comprehensively presented. No appropriate audience identified. No understanding of the role of the Registered Nurse in Child and Adolescent Health evident.
Briefly describes the health issue for the age group chosen.
Identifies the contributing factors, the affect on the family and recommendations for nursing practice.
Introduction is clear, well constructed and leads the reader to expectations of the report.
The chosen; health issue, age group, contributing factors, the affect on the family and recommendations for nursing practice .are clearly stated and are briefly but clearly defined and linked to relevant sources of literature.
Introduction is clear and provides a good summary to expectations of the report.
The chosen; health issue, age group, contributing factors, the affect on the family & recommendations for nursing practice are clearly stated and clarified using literature.
The chosen; health issue, age group, contributing factors, the affect on the family & recommendations for nursing practice are noted and outlined briefly and clearly summarised.
Introduction states the chosen; health issue, age group, contributing factors, the affect on the family and recommendations for nursing practice however, it is not clear or well constructed.
Does not satisfy the minimum requirements for introduction. Unclear or absent on any component; health issue, age group, contributing factors, the affect on the family and recommendations for nursing practice.
Health issue presented not from those offered
Definition of terms
Define any specific terms used
Definitions of all specific terms encompasses context of use. Reference provided from relevant literature.
Definitions of terms supplied with reference from relevant literature
Definitions of some specific terms supplied with reference
Definitions provided are incomplete OR without reference
NO definitions provided