Extracted text: A rectangular footing with circular tank is to be constructed on the soil profile shown in figure. To facilitate this operation the ground water table is lowered by 5m over a period of 6 months. Calculated the consolidation settlement under point A, use approximate 1:2 method for external load distributions. Plan Point/A D-Sm B-3m 200 kN/m? 350 kN/m? Рrofile 1 m V Initial W T Sand soil 7=19.2 kN/m 5 m 4 m Ysat.=20.8 kN/m yAfter Lowering W.T Clayey soil Ya=19.8 kN/m? 3 m C,=0.001 cm?/sec L.L=40% e-0.7 Pc-120 kN/m2 For the building ( Part 1) shown in figure below: Example 1. Determine the internal and external stresses at the mid poiñt'of the clayey layer. 2. Determine the immediate settlement at point A, 3. Fined the total consolidation settlement-if the building (Part 2) was constructed after 2 years after finishing part 1. The per-consolidation pressure is 190 kN/m, and if the layer reached 60% consolidation in 1 уear. 4. Show how you could find the coefficient of permeability from consolidation test. 6 m + 8 m - 10 m 8 m Part 13 m. 6 m 350 kN/m? 450 kN/m? 1.5 m Sand soil Ym 18.8 KN/m, Yu 20.8 kN/m W.T v0.35 E-24000 kN/m 1.07 Clayey soil Yut 19.8 kN/m e,-0.691 LL-40% Ca0.02 Gs-2.65 3m Example For the building shown in the figure below , the load was (ql-150 kN/m?), after 2.0 year the load becomes (q2=200 kN/m2) due to construction of new stories fined the total consolidation settlement under point A. 7 m 3.5 m Plan 7 m 3.5 m 1 m Sand soil Y-18.5 kN/m? ,Yat -20 kN/m: WT ip-0.8 1m Profile 1m Clay soil Yat 21 kN/m? , Pc=80 kN/m2 ,Cv=4 m2/year, Cc=0.4, Ca= 0.015 , e 0.5 3 m