Extracted text: A reciprocal leveling is observed across a wide river and the reciprocal level readings were taken between points A and B as follows. With instrument set up near A, the rod readings on A are 2.283 m and 2.285 m. The reciprocal level readings on the opposite side of the river at point B are 3.618, 3.619, 3.621 and 3.622 m. With the instrument set up near B the rod readings on B are 4.478 m and 4.476 m, and the rod readings on the on the opposite side of the river at point A, the rod readings are 3.143, 3.140, 3.146 and 3.144. a) Compute the difference in elevation between A and B with the instrument set up near A. b) What is the true difference in elevation between A and B? c) If the elevation A is 300 m, what is the elevation of B?