A Political Slam Dunk? As we have noted in this chapter, it is common for the American people to expect candidates to connect with the “common people,” and sport serves as an important opportunity for...

A Political Slam Dunk? As we have noted in this chapter, it is common for the American people to expect candidates to connect with the “common people,” and sport serves as an important opportunity for meeting these expectations. As a recent example, during the 2016 Presidential race, Senator Ted Cruz organized a rally at the Hoosier Gym Community Centre in Kingstown, Indiana, in an attempt to recreate a famous scene from the movie Hoosiers. In the movie, the head coach, played by Gene Hackman, has his players measure the dimensions of the court and hoop in an attempt to signal that, despite playing in a bigger arena and against one of the largest schools in Indiana, they are still playing a familiar game under familiar conditions. Struggling in the polls at the time, Ted Cruz sought to use his presence in Indiana to draw a parallel between his campaign and the team depicted in Hoosiers, showing that despite overwhelming odds, the American people should continue to support his candidacy for President. However, during his presentation to the media and supporters, Cruz made a reference to the basketball hoop being measured as a “basketball ring,” which many took to signal his lack of understanding and engagement with the sport of basketball (and by default the American people). Twitter erupted with many referencing the awkwardness of the moment. One Twitter feed noted, “No one has ever called it a ‘basketball ring’ before Cruz just now in the history of basketball, politics, or words” (Joseph, 2016).

1. Should the average American make any assumptions about a presidential candidate based on a lack of connection to sports?

2. What do you think of Cruz’s attempt to draw similarities between his campaign and the fictional depiction of the team in Hoosiers?

3. In what type of situations would a presidential candidate be warranted to draw upon his or her connection with sport in garnering support? Source: Joseph, A. (2016). Ted Cruz called a basketball hoop a “basketball ring” while recreating a scene from “Hoosiers.” USA Today. Retrieved from http://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/04/ted-cruz-basketball-ringhoosiers-indiana-gop-primary

May 19, 2022

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