a. Perhaps you have played an arcade game in which a list of top scorers is displayed at the end of each game. Create a simple guessing game in which each user, in turn, enters a name, the computer...

a. Perhaps you have played an arcade game in which a list of top scorers is displayed at

the end of each game. Create a simple guessing game in which each user, in turn,

enters a name, the computer generates a random number between 1 and 10, and

the player enters a guess of the value. (Appendix E contains information on generating random numbers.) The player’s score is the positive value of the difference

between the random number and the guess. For example, if a player guesses 6 and

the random number was 4, the player’s score is 2. In other words, 0 is a perfect

score. After each player has made a guess, display the correct answer, the player’s score,

and an appropriate message. Then display a complete list of scores in order, from best

to worst. (Hint: Create a class that holds a player’s name and score, and create a

vector that uses the class.) Figure 11-39 shows a typical execution. Save the file as


b. Modify the ArcadeScores game so that only the top five scores are displayed. When all

top five scores are perfect scores, notify the player that the contest is starting over and

clear the winners’ list. Save the file as ArcadeScores2.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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