A large grain elevator is located 40 ft from the centerline of a two- lane highway, which has 12-ft lanes. The elevator is situated on the inside of a l12° horizontal curve. a) Assuming that the...

A large grain elevator is located 40 ft from the centerline of a two-<br>lane highway, which has 12-ft lanes. The elevator is situated on the<br>inside of a l12° horizontal curve.<br>a) Assuming that the elevator is the only sight restriction on<br>the curve, what is the minimum sight distance along the<br>curve?<br>b) What should be the maximum speed recommended for<br>this curve?<br>c) If the designer wants to have the design speed of 10 mph<br>higher that the recommended speed, what is the distance<br>required for the movement of the elevator?<br>

Extracted text: A large grain elevator is located 40 ft from the centerline of a two- lane highway, which has 12-ft lanes. The elevator is situated on the inside of a l12° horizontal curve. a) Assuming that the elevator is the only sight restriction on the curve, what is the minimum sight distance along the curve? b) What should be the maximum speed recommended for this curve? c) If the designer wants to have the design speed of 10 mph higher that the recommended speed, what is the distance required for the movement of the elevator?

Jun 11, 2022

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