A В D E Y/L 4 12 16 20 K/L 1 4 9 16 25 25 20 15 D 10 10 15 20 25 зо K/L Both the table and the figure above show Output per worker (Y/L) and Capital per worker (K/L) values in an economy. X-axis shows...

Please be quick and solve step by stepA<br>В<br>D<br>E<br>Y/L<br>4<br>12<br>16<br>20<br>K/L<br>1<br>4<br>9<br>16<br>25<br>25<br>20<br>15<br>D<br>10<br>10<br>15<br>20<br>25<br>зо<br>K/L<br>Both the table and the figure above show Output per worker (Y/L) and Capital per worker (K/L) values in an economy. X-axis shows K/L and Y-axis shows Y/L.<br>a. What does the production function show us? Explain your answer.<br>b. Calculate the Marginal Physical product of capital when we move from A to B? Explain your answer.<br>c. Calculate the Marginal Physical product of capital when we move from C to D? Why do you think that the marginal physical product is not the same as your answer in part b?<br>

Extracted text: A В D E Y/L 4 12 16 20 K/L 1 4 9 16 25 25 20 15 D 10 10 15 20 25 зо K/L Both the table and the figure above show Output per worker (Y/L) and Capital per worker (K/L) values in an economy. X-axis shows K/L and Y-axis shows Y/L. a. What does the production function show us? Explain your answer. b. Calculate the Marginal Physical product of capital when we move from A to B? Explain your answer. c. Calculate the Marginal Physical product of capital when we move from C to D? Why do you think that the marginal physical product is not the same as your answer in part b?

Jun 11, 2022

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