A. Create a Dollar currency class with twointeger attributes and one string attribute, all of which are non-public. The int attributes will represent whole part (or currency note value) and fractional...

A. Create aDollarcurrency class withtwointegerattributes andone stringattribute, all of which are non-public. Theintattributes will represent whole part (or currency note value) and fractional part (or currency coin value) such that 100 fractional parts equals 1 whole part. Thestringattribute will represent the currency name.

B. Create aCIS22C Dollarderived/inherited class withoneadditional non-publicdoubleattribute to represent the conversion factor from/to US Dollar.

The value of the conversion factor can be defaulted in the class definition based on 1 USD = 1.36 C2D or 1 C2D = 0.74 USD.

Also, 1000 of C2D fractional parts equals 1 C2D whole part.

C. In your two currency classes, add public methods for the following:

Default Construction (i.e. no parameters passed)

Construction based on parameters for all attributes

Copy Constructor and/or Assignment, as applicable to your programming language of choice

Destructor, as applicable to your programming language of choice

Setters and Getters for all attributes

Adding two objects of the same currency

Subtracting one object from another object of the same currency

Comparing two objects of the same currency for equality/inequality

Comparing two objects of the same currency to identify which object is larger or smaller

Print method to print details of a currency object

In your derived class only, methods to convert USD objects to C2D and vice versa

D. Create aWalletclass with one attribute - an array of twoDollarreferences / pointers and the following methods to demonstrate polymorphism of the currencies:

A default Constructor which sets

the first element of the array to a zero value Dollar object

the second element of the array to a zero value CIS22C Dollar object

A Destructor, as applicable to your programming language of choice

Methods to add or subtract

USD objects to/from the first element only and

C2D objects to/from the second element only

Methods to compare if the value of either element is greater or smaller than an input value

A method to Print the values of the two elements in the Wallet

E. In your main:

Create a Wallet object

Provide the user a main menu to add/ subtract/ compare the Dollar and CIS22C Dollar values in the Wallet as well as print the contents of the Wallet

You can use a second level menu choice to allow the user to select currency type

Based on user choice, create either UD or C2d objects as needed to perform the desired operations.

The main menu should be run in a loop until the user selects the Exit option

There is no sample output - you are allowed to provide user interactivity as you see fit and programs will be graded for clarity of interaction

Things to remember:

Create appropriately named code files - for the two Currency classes, for the Wallet class and any other helper code you might need.

The file for your main should be named Lab1Main with the appropriate extension.

Make any relevant assumptions that you may need but state them clearly in the corresponding code file.

Remember to document your methods adequately -pre-post headersas well as any other relevant comments. Also, provide necessary pseudocode of the programin the main.

Also, remember to include name blocks in all the code files.

May 18, 2022

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