A content map can be used to show how different pages on a website are connected. For example, the following content map shows the relationship among the five pages of a certain website with links...

A content map can be used to show how different pages on a website are connected. For example, the following content map shows the relationship among the five pages of a certain website with links between pages represented by arrows.

The content map can be represented by a 5 by 5 adjacency matrix where each entry, aij, is either 1 (if a link exists from page i to page j) or 0 (if no link exists from page i to page j).

(a) Write the 5 by 5 adjacency matrix that represents the given content map.

(b) Explain the significance of the entries on the main diagonal in your result from part (a).

(c) Find and interpret A2.

May 19, 2022

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